2024-03-26 16:28:28 +01:00

556 lines
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// Type definitions for postcss-selector-parser 2.2.3
// Definitions by: Chris Eppstein <chris@eppsteins.net>
/*~ Note that ES6 modules cannot directly export callable functions.
*~ This file should be imported using the CommonJS-style:
*~ import x = require('someLibrary');
*~ Refer to the documentation to understand common
*~ workarounds for this limitation of ES6 modules.
/*~ This declaration specifies that the function
*~ is the exported object from the file
export = parser;
// A type that's T but not U.
type Diff<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T;
// TODO: Conditional types in TS 1.8 will really clean this up.
declare function parser(): parser.Processor<never>;
declare function parser<Transform>(processor: parser.AsyncProcessor<Transform>): parser.Processor<Transform, never>;
declare function parser(processor: parser.AsyncProcessor<void>): parser.Processor<never, never>;
declare function parser<Transform>(processor: parser.SyncProcessor<Transform>): parser.Processor<Transform>;
declare function parser(processor: parser.SyncProcessor<void>): parser.Processor<never>;
declare function parser<Transform>(processor?: parser.SyncProcessor<Transform> | parser.AsyncProcessor<Transform>): parser.Processor<Transform>;
/*~ If you want to expose types from your module as well, you can
*~ place them in this block. Often you will want to describe the
*~ shape of the return type of the function; that type should
*~ be declared in here, as this example shows.
declare namespace parser {
/* copied from postcss -- so we don't need to add a dependency */
type ErrorOptions = {
plugin?: string;
word?: string;
index?: number
/* the bits we use of postcss.Rule, copied from postcss -- so we don't need to add a dependency */
type PostCSSRuleNode = {
selector: string
* @returns postcss.CssSyntaxError but it's a complex object, caller
* should cast to it if they have a dependency on postcss.
error(message: string, options?: ErrorOptions): Error;
/** Accepts a string */
type Selectors = string | PostCSSRuleNode
type ProcessorFn<ReturnType = void> = (root: parser.Root) => ReturnType;
type SyncProcessor<Transform = void> = ProcessorFn<Transform>;
type AsyncProcessor<Transform = void> = ProcessorFn<PromiseLike<Transform>>;
const TAG: "tag";
const STRING: "string";
const SELECTOR: "selector";
const ROOT: "root";
const PSEUDO: "pseudo";
const NESTING: "nesting";
const ID: "id";
const COMMENT: "comment";
const COMBINATOR: "combinator";
const CLASS: "class";
const ATTRIBUTE: "attribute";
const UNIVERSAL: "universal";
interface NodeTypes {
tag: Tag,
string: String,
selector: Selector,
root: Root,
pseudo: Pseudo,
nesting: Nesting,
id: Identifier,
comment: Comment,
combinator: Combinator,
class: ClassName,
attribute: Attribute,
universal: Universal
type Node = NodeTypes[keyof NodeTypes];
function isNode(node: any): node is Node;
interface Options {
* Preserve whitespace when true. Default: false;
lossless: boolean;
* When true and a postcss.Rule is passed, set the result of
* processing back onto the rule when done. Default: false.
updateSelector: boolean;
class Processor<
TransformType = never,
SyncSelectorsType extends Selectors | never = Selectors
> {
res: Root;
readonly result: String;
ast(selectors: Selectors, options?: Partial<Options>): Promise<Root>;
astSync(selectors: SyncSelectorsType, options?: Partial<Options>): Root;
transform(selectors: Selectors, options?: Partial<Options>): Promise<TransformType>;
transformSync(selectors: SyncSelectorsType, options?: Partial<Options>): TransformType;
process(selectors: Selectors, options?: Partial<Options>): Promise<string>;
processSync(selectors: SyncSelectorsType, options?: Partial<Options>): string;
interface ParserOptions {
css: string;
error: (message: string, options: ErrorOptions) => Error;
options: Options;
class Parser {
input: ParserOptions;
lossy: boolean;
position: number;
root: Root;
selectors: string;
current: Selector;
constructor(input: ParserOptions);
* Raises an error, if the processor is invoked on
* a postcss Rule node, a better error message is raised.
error(message: string, options?: ErrorOptions): void;
interface NodeSource {
start?: {
line: number,
column: number
end?: {
line: number,
column: number
interface SpaceAround {
before: string;
after: string;
interface Spaces extends SpaceAround {
[spaceType: string]: string | Partial<SpaceAround> | undefined;
interface NodeOptions<Value = string> {
value: Value;
spaces?: Partial<Spaces>;
source?: NodeSource;
sourceIndex?: number;
interface Base<
Value extends string | undefined = string,
ParentType extends Container | undefined = Container | undefined
> {
type: keyof NodeTypes;
parent: ParentType;
value: Value;
spaces: Spaces;
source?: NodeSource;
sourceIndex: number;
rawSpaceBefore: string;
rawSpaceAfter: string;
remove(): Node;
replaceWith(...nodes: Node[]): Node;
next(): Node;
prev(): Node;
clone(opts: {[override: string]:any}): Node;
* Return whether this node includes the character at the position of the given line and column.
* Returns undefined if the nodes lack sufficient source metadata to determine the position.
* @param line 1-index based line number relative to the start of the selector.
* @param column 1-index based column number relative to the start of the selector.
isAtPosition(line: number, column: number): boolean | undefined;
* Some non-standard syntax doesn't follow normal escaping rules for css,
* this allows the escaped value to be specified directly, allowing illegal characters to be
* directly inserted into css output.
* @param name the property to set
* @param value the unescaped value of the property
* @param valueEscaped optional. the escaped value of the property.
setPropertyAndEscape(name: string, value: any, valueEscaped: string): void;
* When you want a value to passed through to CSS directly. This method
* deletes the corresponding raw value causing the stringifier to fallback
* to the unescaped value.
* @param name the property to set.
* @param value The value that is both escaped and unescaped.
setPropertyWithoutEscape(name: string, value: any): void;
* Some non-standard syntax doesn't follow normal escaping rules for css.
* This allows non standard syntax to be appended to an existing property
* by specifying the escaped value. By specifying the escaped value,
* illegal characters are allowed to be directly inserted into css output.
* @param {string} name the property to set
* @param {any} value the unescaped value of the property
* @param {string} valueEscaped optional. the escaped value of the property.
appendToPropertyAndEscape(name: string, value: any, valueEscaped: string): void;
toString(): string;
interface ContainerOptions extends NodeOptions {
nodes?: Array<Node>;
interface Container<
Value extends string | undefined = string,
Child extends Node = Node
> extends Base<Value> {
nodes: Array<Child>;
append(selector: Selector): this;
prepend(selector: Selector): this;
at(index: number): Child;
* Return the most specific node at the line and column number given.
* The source location is based on the original parsed location, locations aren't
* updated as selector nodes are mutated.
* Note that this location is relative to the location of the first character
* of the selector, and not the location of the selector in the overall document
* when used in conjunction with postcss.
* If not found, returns undefined.
* @param line The line number of the node to find. (1-based index)
* @param col The column number of the node to find. (1-based index)
atPosition(line: number, column: number): Child;
index(child: Child): number;
readonly first: Child;
readonly last: Child;
readonly length: number;
removeChild(child: Child): this;
removeAll(): Container;
empty(): Container;
insertAfter(oldNode: Child, newNode: Child): this;
insertBefore(oldNode: Child, newNode: Child): this;
each(callback: (node: Child) => boolean | void): boolean | undefined;
callback: (node: Node) => boolean | void
): boolean | undefined;
callback: (node: Attribute) => boolean | void
): boolean | undefined;
callback: (node: ClassName) => boolean | void
): boolean | undefined;
callback: (node: Combinator) => boolean | void
): boolean | undefined;
callback: (node: Comment) => boolean | void
): boolean | undefined;
callback: (node: Identifier) => boolean | void
): boolean | undefined;
callback: (node: Nesting) => boolean | void
): boolean | undefined;
callback: (node: Pseudo) => boolean | void
): boolean | undefined;
walkTags(callback: (node: Tag) => boolean | void): boolean | undefined;
split(callback: (node: Child) => boolean): [Child[], Child[]];
map<T>(callback: (node: Child) => T): T[];
callback: (
previousValue: Child,
currentValue: Child,
currentIndex: number,
array: readonly Child[]
) => Child
): Child;
callback: (
previousValue: Child,
currentValue: Child,
currentIndex: number,
array: readonly Child[]
) => Child,
initialValue: Child
): Child;
callback: (
previousValue: T,
currentValue: Child,
currentIndex: number,
array: readonly Child[]
) => T,
initialValue: T
): T;
every(callback: (node: Child) => boolean): boolean;
some(callback: (node: Child) => boolean): boolean;
filter(callback: (node: Child) => boolean): Child[];
sort(callback: (nodeA: Child, nodeB: Child) => number): Child[];
toString(): string;
function isContainer(node: any): node is Root | Selector | Pseudo;
interface NamespaceOptions<Value extends string | undefined = string> extends NodeOptions<Value> {
namespace?: string | true;
interface Namespace<Value extends string | undefined = string> extends Base<Value> {
/** alias for namespace */
ns: string | true;
* namespace prefix.
namespace: string | true;
* If a namespace exists, prefix the value provided with it, separated by |.
qualifiedName(value: string): string;
* A string representing the namespace suitable for output.
readonly namespaceString: string;
function isNamespace(node: any): node is Attribute | Tag;
interface Root extends Container<undefined, Selector> {
type: "root";
* Raises an error, if the processor is invoked on
* a postcss Rule node, a better error message is raised.
error(message: string, options?: ErrorOptions): Error;
nodeAt(line: number, column: number): Node
function root(opts: ContainerOptions): Root;
function isRoot(node: any): node is Root;
interface _Selector<S> extends Container<string, Diff<Node, S>> {
type: "selector";
type Selector = _Selector<Selector>;
function selector(opts: ContainerOptions): Selector;
function isSelector(node: any): node is Selector;
interface CombinatorRaws {
value?: string;
spaces?: {
before?: string;
after?: string;
interface Combinator extends Base {
type: "combinator";
raws?: CombinatorRaws;
function combinator(opts: NodeOptions): Combinator;
function isCombinator(node: any): node is Combinator;
interface ClassName extends Base {
type: "class";
function className(opts: NamespaceOptions): ClassName;
function isClassName(node: any): node is ClassName;
type AttributeOperator = "=" | "~=" | "|=" | "^=" | "$=" | "*=";
type QuoteMark = '"' | "'" | null;
interface PreferredQuoteMarkOptions {
quoteMark?: QuoteMark;
preferCurrentQuoteMark?: boolean;
interface SmartQuoteMarkOptions extends PreferredQuoteMarkOptions {
smart?: boolean;
interface AttributeOptions extends NamespaceOptions<string | undefined> {
attribute: string;
operator?: AttributeOperator;
insensitive?: boolean;
quoteMark?: QuoteMark;
/** @deprecated Use quoteMark instead. */
quoted?: boolean;
spaces?: {
before?: string;
after?: string;
attribute?: Partial<SpaceAround>;
operator?: Partial<SpaceAround>;
value?: Partial<SpaceAround>;
insensitive?: Partial<SpaceAround>;
raws: {
unquoted?: string;
attribute?: string;
operator?: string;
value?: string;
insensitive?: string;
spaces?: {
attribute?: Partial<Spaces>;
operator?: Partial<Spaces>;
value?: Partial<Spaces>;
insensitive?: Partial<Spaces>;
interface Attribute extends Namespace<string | undefined> {
type: "attribute";
attribute: string;
operator?: AttributeOperator;
insensitive?: boolean;
quoteMark: QuoteMark;
quoted?: boolean;
spaces: {
before: string;
after: string;
attribute?: Partial<Spaces>;
operator?: Partial<Spaces>;
value?: Partial<Spaces>;
insensitive?: Partial<Spaces>;
raws: {
/** @deprecated The attribute value is unquoted, use that instead.. */
unquoted?: string;
attribute?: string;
operator?: string;
/** The value of the attribute with quotes and escapes. */
value?: string;
insensitive?: string;
spaces?: {
attribute?: Partial<Spaces>;
operator?: Partial<Spaces>;
value?: Partial<Spaces>;
insensitive?: Partial<Spaces>;
* The attribute name after having been qualified with a namespace.
readonly qualifiedAttribute: string;
* The case insensitivity flag or an empty string depending on whether this
* attribute is case insensitive.
readonly insensitiveFlag : 'i' | '';
* Returns the attribute's value quoted such that it would be legal to use
* in the value of a css file. The original value's quotation setting
* used for stringification is left unchanged. See `setValue(value, options)`
* if you want to control the quote settings of a new value for the attribute or
* `set quoteMark(mark)` if you want to change the quote settings of the current
* value.
* You can also change the quotation used for the current value by setting quoteMark.
getQuotedValue(options?: SmartQuoteMarkOptions): string;
* Set the unescaped value with the specified quotation options. The value
* provided must not include any wrapping quote marks -- those quotes will
* be interpreted as part of the value and escaped accordingly.
* @param value
setValue(value: string, options?: SmartQuoteMarkOptions): void;
* Intelligently select a quoteMark value based on the value's contents. If
* the value is a legal CSS ident, it will not be quoted. Otherwise a quote
* mark will be picked that minimizes the number of escapes.
* If there's no clear winner, the quote mark from these options is used,
* then the source quote mark (this is inverted if `preferCurrentQuoteMark` is
* true). If the quoteMark is unspecified, a double quote is used.
smartQuoteMark(options: PreferredQuoteMarkOptions): QuoteMark;
* Selects the preferred quote mark based on the options and the current quote mark value.
* If you want the quote mark to depend on the attribute value, call `smartQuoteMark(opts)`
* instead.
preferredQuoteMark(options: PreferredQuoteMarkOptions): QuoteMark
* returns the offset of the attribute part specified relative to the
* start of the node of the output string.
* * "ns" - alias for "namespace"
* * "namespace" - the namespace if it exists.
* * "attribute" - the attribute name
* * "attributeNS" - the start of the attribute or its namespace
* * "operator" - the match operator of the attribute
* * "value" - The value (string or identifier)
* * "insensitive" - the case insensitivity flag;
* @param part One of the possible values inside an attribute.
* @returns -1 if the name is invalid or the value doesn't exist in this attribute.
offsetOf(part: "ns" | "namespace" | "attribute" | "attributeNS" | "operator" | "value" | "insensitive"): number;
function attribute(opts: AttributeOptions): Attribute;
function isAttribute(node: any): node is Attribute;
interface Pseudo extends Container<string, Selector> {
type: "pseudo";
function pseudo(opts: ContainerOptions): Pseudo;
* Checks wether the node is the Psuedo subtype of node.
function isPseudo(node: any): node is Pseudo;
* Checks wether the node is, specifically, a pseudo element instead of
* pseudo class.
function isPseudoElement(node: any): node is Pseudo;
* Checks wether the node is, specifically, a pseudo class instead of
* pseudo element.
function isPseudoClass(node: any): node is Pseudo;
interface Tag extends Namespace {
type: "tag";
function tag(opts: NamespaceOptions): Tag;
function isTag(node: any): node is Tag;
interface Comment extends Base {
type: "comment";
function comment(opts: NodeOptions): Comment;
function isComment(node: any): node is Comment;
interface Identifier extends Base {
type: "id";
function id(opts: any): any;
function isIdentifier(node: any): node is Identifier;
interface Nesting extends Base {
type: "nesting";
function nesting(opts: any): any;
function isNesting(node: any): node is Nesting;
interface String extends Base {
type: "string";
function string(opts: NodeOptions): String;
function isString(node: any): node is String;
interface Universal extends Base {
type: "universal";
function universal(opts?: NamespaceOptions): any;
function isUniversal(node: any): node is Universal;