2024-03-26 16:28:28 +01:00

1070 lines
29 KiB
Executable file

'use strict';
const Assert = require('@hapi/hoek/lib/assert');
const Clone = require('@hapi/hoek/lib/clone');
const DeepEqual = require('@hapi/hoek/lib/deepEqual');
const Merge = require('@hapi/hoek/lib/merge');
const Cache = require('./cache');
const Common = require('./common');
const Compile = require('./compile');
const Errors = require('./errors');
const Extend = require('./extend');
const Manifest = require('./manifest');
const Messages = require('./messages');
const Modify = require('./modify');
const Ref = require('./ref');
const Trace = require('./trace');
const Validator = require('./validator');
const Values = require('./values');
const internals = {};
internals.Base = class {
constructor(type) {
// Naming: public, _private, $_extension, $_mutate{action}
this.type = type;
this.$_root = null;
this._definition = {};
_reset() {
this._ids = new Modify.Ids();
this._preferences = null;
this._refs = new Ref.Manager();
this._cache = null;
this._valids = null;
this._invalids = null;
this._flags = {};
this._rules = [];
this._singleRules = new Map(); // The rule options passed for non-multi rules
this.$_terms = {}; // Hash of arrays of immutable objects (extended by other types)
this.$_temp = { // Runtime state (not cloned)
ruleset: null, // null: use last, false: error, number: start position
whens: {} // Runtime cache of generated whens
// Manifest
describe() {
Assert(typeof Manifest.describe === 'function', 'Manifest functionality disabled');
return Manifest.describe(this);
// Rules
allow(...values) {
Common.verifyFlat(values, 'allow');
return this._values(values, '_valids');
alter(targets) {
Assert(targets && typeof targets === 'object' && !Array.isArray(targets), 'Invalid targets argument');
Assert(!this._inRuleset(), 'Cannot set alterations inside a ruleset');
const obj = this.clone();
obj.$_terms.alterations = obj.$_terms.alterations || [];
for (const target in targets) {
const adjuster = targets[target];
Assert(typeof adjuster === 'function', 'Alteration adjuster for', target, 'must be a function');
obj.$_terms.alterations.push({ target, adjuster });
obj.$_temp.ruleset = false;
return obj;
artifact(id) {
Assert(id !== undefined, 'Artifact cannot be undefined');
Assert(!this._cache, 'Cannot set an artifact with a rule cache');
return this.$_setFlag('artifact', id);
cast(to) {
Assert(to === false || typeof to === 'string', 'Invalid to value');
Assert(to === false || this._definition.cast[to], 'Type', this.type, 'does not support casting to', to);
return this.$_setFlag('cast', to === false ? undefined : to);
default(value, options) {
return this._default('default', value, options);
description(desc) {
Assert(desc && typeof desc === 'string', 'Description must be a non-empty string');
return this.$_setFlag('description', desc);
empty(schema) {
const obj = this.clone();
if (schema !== undefined) {
schema = obj.$_compile(schema, { override: false });
return obj.$_setFlag('empty', schema, { clone: false });
error(err) {
Assert(err, 'Missing error');
Assert(err instanceof Error || typeof err === 'function', 'Must provide a valid Error object or a function');
return this.$_setFlag('error', err);
example(example, options = {}) {
Assert(example !== undefined, 'Missing example');
Common.assertOptions(options, ['override']);
return this._inner('examples', example, { single: true, override: options.override });
external(method, description) {
if (typeof method === 'object') {
Assert(!description, 'Cannot combine options with description');
description = method.description;
method = method.method;
Assert(typeof method === 'function', 'Method must be a function');
Assert(description === undefined || description && typeof description === 'string', 'Description must be a non-empty string');
return this._inner('externals', { method, description }, { single: true });
failover(value, options) {
return this._default('failover', value, options);
forbidden() {
return this.presence('forbidden');
id(id) {
if (!id) {
return this.$_setFlag('id', undefined);
Assert(typeof id === 'string', 'id must be a non-empty string');
Assert(/^[^\.]+$/.test(id), 'id cannot contain period character');
return this.$_setFlag('id', id);
invalid(...values) {
return this._values(values, '_invalids');
label(name) {
Assert(name && typeof name === 'string', 'Label name must be a non-empty string');
return this.$_setFlag('label', name);
meta(meta) {
Assert(meta !== undefined, 'Meta cannot be undefined');
return this._inner('metas', meta, { single: true });
note(...notes) {
Assert(notes.length, 'Missing notes');
for (const note of notes) {
Assert(note && typeof note === 'string', 'Notes must be non-empty strings');
return this._inner('notes', notes);
only(mode = true) {
Assert(typeof mode === 'boolean', 'Invalid mode:', mode);
return this.$_setFlag('only', mode);
optional() {
return this.presence('optional');
prefs(prefs) {
Assert(prefs, 'Missing preferences');
Assert(prefs.context === undefined, 'Cannot override context');
Assert(prefs.externals === undefined, 'Cannot override externals');
Assert(prefs.warnings === undefined, 'Cannot override warnings');
Assert(prefs.debug === undefined, 'Cannot override debug');
const obj = this.clone();
obj._preferences = Common.preferences(obj._preferences, prefs);
return obj;
presence(mode) {
Assert(['optional', 'required', 'forbidden'].includes(mode), 'Unknown presence mode', mode);
return this.$_setFlag('presence', mode);
raw(enabled = true) {
return this.$_setFlag('result', enabled ? 'raw' : undefined);
result(mode) {
Assert(['raw', 'strip'].includes(mode), 'Unknown result mode', mode);
return this.$_setFlag('result', mode);
required() {
return this.presence('required');
strict(enabled) {
const obj = this.clone();
const convert = enabled === undefined ? false : !enabled;
obj._preferences = Common.preferences(obj._preferences, { convert });
return obj;
strip(enabled = true) {
return this.$_setFlag('result', enabled ? 'strip' : undefined);
tag(...tags) {
Assert(tags.length, 'Missing tags');
for (const tag of tags) {
Assert(tag && typeof tag === 'string', 'Tags must be non-empty strings');
return this._inner('tags', tags);
unit(name) {
Assert(name && typeof name === 'string', 'Unit name must be a non-empty string');
return this.$_setFlag('unit', name);
valid(...values) {
Common.verifyFlat(values, 'valid');
const obj = this.allow(...values);
obj.$_setFlag('only', !!obj._valids, { clone: false });
return obj;
when(condition, options) {
const obj = this.clone();
if (!obj.$_terms.whens) {
obj.$_terms.whens = [];
const when = Compile.when(obj, condition, options);
if (!['any', 'link'].includes(obj.type)) {
const conditions = when.is ? [when] : when.switch;
for (const item of conditions) {
Assert(!item.then || item.then.type === 'any' || item.then.type === obj.type, 'Cannot combine', obj.type, 'with', item.then && item.then.type);
Assert(!item.otherwise || item.otherwise.type === 'any' || item.otherwise.type === obj.type, 'Cannot combine', obj.type, 'with', item.otherwise && item.otherwise.type);
return obj.$_mutateRebuild();
// Helpers
cache(cache) {
Assert(!this._inRuleset(), 'Cannot set caching inside a ruleset');
Assert(!this._cache, 'Cannot override schema cache');
Assert(this._flags.artifact === undefined, 'Cannot cache a rule with an artifact');
const obj = this.clone();
obj._cache = cache || Cache.provider.provision();
obj.$_temp.ruleset = false;
return obj;
clone() {
const obj = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this));
return this._assign(obj);
concat(source) {
Assert(Common.isSchema(source), 'Invalid schema object');
Assert(this.type === 'any' || source.type === 'any' || source.type === this.type, 'Cannot merge type', this.type, 'with another type:', source.type);
Assert(!this._inRuleset(), 'Cannot concatenate onto a schema with open ruleset');
Assert(!source._inRuleset(), 'Cannot concatenate a schema with open ruleset');
let obj = this.clone();
if (this.type === 'any' &&
source.type !== 'any') {
// Change obj to match source type
const tmpObj = source.clone();
for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
if (key !== 'type') {
tmpObj[key] = obj[key];
obj = tmpObj;
obj._refs.register(source, Ref.toSibling);
obj._preferences = obj._preferences ? Common.preferences(obj._preferences, source._preferences) : source._preferences;
obj._valids = Values.merge(obj._valids, source._valids, source._invalids);
obj._invalids = Values.merge(obj._invalids, source._invalids, source._valids);
// Remove unique rules present in source
for (const name of source._singleRules.keys()) {
if (obj._singleRules.has(name)) {
obj._rules = obj._rules.filter((target) => target.keep || target.name !== name);
// Rules
for (const test of source._rules) {
if (!source._definition.rules[test.method].multi) {
obj._singleRules.set(test.name, test);
// Flags
if (obj._flags.empty &&
source._flags.empty) {
obj._flags.empty = obj._flags.empty.concat(source._flags.empty);
const flags = Object.assign({}, source._flags);
delete flags.empty;
Merge(obj._flags, flags);
else if (source._flags.empty) {
obj._flags.empty = source._flags.empty;
const flags = Object.assign({}, source._flags);
delete flags.empty;
Merge(obj._flags, flags);
else {
Merge(obj._flags, source._flags);
// Terms
for (const key in source.$_terms) {
const terms = source.$_terms[key];
if (!terms) {
if (!obj.$_terms[key]) {
obj.$_terms[key] = terms;
if (!obj.$_terms[key]) {
obj.$_terms[key] = terms.slice();
obj.$_terms[key] = obj.$_terms[key].concat(terms);
// Tracing
if (this.$_root._tracer) {
this.$_root._tracer._combine(obj, [this, source]);
// Rebuild
return obj.$_mutateRebuild();
extend(options) {
Assert(!options.base, 'Cannot extend type with another base');
return Extend.type(this, options);
extract(path) {
path = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split('.');
return this._ids.reach(path);
fork(paths, adjuster) {
Assert(!this._inRuleset(), 'Cannot fork inside a ruleset');
let obj = this; // eslint-disable-line consistent-this
for (let path of [].concat(paths)) {
path = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split('.');
obj = obj._ids.fork(path, adjuster, obj);
obj.$_temp.ruleset = false;
return obj;
rule(options) {
const def = this._definition;
Common.assertOptions(options, Object.keys(def.modifiers));
Assert(this.$_temp.ruleset !== false, 'Cannot apply rules to empty ruleset or the last rule added does not support rule properties');
const start = this.$_temp.ruleset === null ? this._rules.length - 1 : this.$_temp.ruleset;
Assert(start >= 0 && start < this._rules.length, 'Cannot apply rules to empty ruleset');
const obj = this.clone();
for (let i = start; i < obj._rules.length; ++i) {
const original = obj._rules[i];
const rule = Clone(original);
for (const name in options) {
def.modifiers[name](rule, options[name]);
Assert(rule.name === original.name, 'Cannot change rule name');
obj._rules[i] = rule;
if (obj._singleRules.get(rule.name) === original) {
obj._singleRules.set(rule.name, rule);
obj.$_temp.ruleset = false;
return obj.$_mutateRebuild();
get ruleset() {
Assert(!this._inRuleset(), 'Cannot start a new ruleset without closing the previous one');
const obj = this.clone();
obj.$_temp.ruleset = obj._rules.length;
return obj;
get $() {
return this.ruleset;
tailor(targets) {
targets = [].concat(targets);
Assert(!this._inRuleset(), 'Cannot tailor inside a ruleset');
let obj = this; // eslint-disable-line consistent-this
if (this.$_terms.alterations) {
for (const { target, adjuster } of this.$_terms.alterations) {
if (targets.includes(target)) {
obj = adjuster(obj);
Assert(Common.isSchema(obj), 'Alteration adjuster for', target, 'failed to return a schema object');
obj = obj.$_modify({ each: (item) => item.tailor(targets), ref: false });
obj.$_temp.ruleset = false;
return obj.$_mutateRebuild();
tracer() {
return Trace.location ? Trace.location(this) : this; // $lab:coverage:ignore$
validate(value, options) {
return Validator.entry(value, this, options);
validateAsync(value, options) {
return Validator.entryAsync(value, this, options);
// Extensions
$_addRule(options) {
// Normalize rule
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = { name: options };
Assert(options && typeof options === 'object', 'Invalid options');
Assert(options.name && typeof options.name === 'string', 'Invalid rule name');
for (const key in options) {
Assert(key[0] !== '_', 'Cannot set private rule properties');
const rule = Object.assign({}, options); // Shallow cloned
rule._resolve = [];
rule.method = rule.method || rule.name;
const definition = this._definition.rules[rule.method];
const args = rule.args;
Assert(definition, 'Unknown rule', rule.method);
// Args
const obj = this.clone();
if (args) {
Assert(Object.keys(args).length === 1 || Object.keys(args).length === this._definition.rules[rule.name].args.length, 'Invalid rule definition for', this.type, rule.name);
for (const key in args) {
let arg = args[key];
if (definition.argsByName) {
const resolver = definition.argsByName.get(key);
if (resolver.ref &&
Common.isResolvable(arg)) {
else {
if (resolver.normalize) {
arg = resolver.normalize(arg);
args[key] = arg;
if (resolver.assert) {
const error = Common.validateArg(arg, key, resolver);
Assert(!error, error, 'or reference');
if (arg === undefined) {
delete args[key];
args[key] = arg;
// Unique rules
if (!definition.multi) {
obj._ruleRemove(rule.name, { clone: false });
obj._singleRules.set(rule.name, rule);
if (obj.$_temp.ruleset === false) {
obj.$_temp.ruleset = null;
if (definition.priority) {
else {
return obj;
$_compile(schema, options) {
return Compile.schema(this.$_root, schema, options);
$_createError(code, value, local, state, prefs, options = {}) {
const flags = options.flags !== false ? this._flags : {};
const messages = options.messages ? Messages.merge(this._definition.messages, options.messages) : this._definition.messages;
return new Errors.Report(code, value, local, flags, messages, state, prefs);
$_getFlag(name) {
return this._flags[name];
$_getRule(name) {
return this._singleRules.get(name);
$_mapLabels(path) {
path = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split('.');
return this._ids.labels(path);
$_match(value, state, prefs, overrides) {
prefs = Object.assign({}, prefs); // Shallow cloned
prefs.abortEarly = true;
prefs._externals = false;
const result = !Validator.validate(value, this, state, prefs, overrides).errors;
return result;
$_modify(options) {
Common.assertOptions(options, ['each', 'once', 'ref', 'schema']);
return Modify.schema(this, options) || this;
$_mutateRebuild() {
Assert(!this._inRuleset(), 'Cannot add this rule inside a ruleset');
const each = (item, { source, name, path, key }) => {
const family = this._definition[source][name] && this._definition[source][name].register;
if (family !== false) {
this.$_mutateRegister(item, { family, key });
this.$_modify({ each });
if (this._definition.rebuild) {
this.$_temp.ruleset = false;
return this;
$_mutateRegister(schema, { family, key } = {}) {
this._refs.register(schema, family);
this._ids.register(schema, { key });
$_property(name) {
return this._definition.properties[name];
$_reach(path) {
return this._ids.reach(path);
$_rootReferences() {
return this._refs.roots();
$_setFlag(name, value, options = {}) {
Assert(name[0] === '_' || !this._inRuleset(), 'Cannot set flag inside a ruleset');
const flag = this._definition.flags[name] || {};
if (DeepEqual(value, flag.default)) {
value = undefined;
if (DeepEqual(value, this._flags[name])) {
return this;
const obj = options.clone !== false ? this.clone() : this;
if (value !== undefined) {
obj._flags[name] = value;
else {
delete obj._flags[name];
if (name[0] !== '_') {
obj.$_temp.ruleset = false;
return obj;
$_parent(method, ...args) {
return this[method][Common.symbols.parent].call(this, ...args);
$_validate(value, state, prefs) {
return Validator.validate(value, this, state, prefs);
// Internals
_assign(target) {
target.type = this.type;
target.$_root = this.$_root;
target.$_temp = Object.assign({}, this.$_temp);
target.$_temp.whens = {};
target._ids = this._ids.clone();
target._preferences = this._preferences;
target._valids = this._valids && this._valids.clone();
target._invalids = this._invalids && this._invalids.clone();
target._rules = this._rules.slice();
target._singleRules = Clone(this._singleRules, { shallow: true });
target._refs = this._refs.clone();
target._flags = Object.assign({}, this._flags);
target._cache = null;
target.$_terms = {};
for (const key in this.$_terms) {
target.$_terms[key] = this.$_terms[key] ? this.$_terms[key].slice() : null;
// Backwards compatibility
target.$_super = {};
for (const override in this.$_super) {
target.$_super[override] = this._super[override].bind(target);
return target;
_bare() {
const obj = this.clone();
const terms = obj._definition.terms;
for (const name in terms) {
const term = terms[name];
obj.$_terms[name] = term.init;
return obj.$_mutateRebuild();
_default(flag, value, options = {}) {
Common.assertOptions(options, 'literal');
Assert(value !== undefined, 'Missing', flag, 'value');
Assert(typeof value === 'function' || !options.literal, 'Only function value supports literal option');
if (typeof value === 'function' &&
options.literal) {
value = {
[Common.symbols.literal]: true,
literal: value
const obj = this.$_setFlag(flag, value);
return obj;
_generate(value, state, prefs) {
if (!this.$_terms.whens) {
return { schema: this };
// Collect matching whens
const whens = [];
const ids = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.$_terms.whens.length; ++i) {
const when = this.$_terms.whens[i];
if (when.concat) {
const input = when.ref ? when.ref.resolve(value, state, prefs) : value;
const tests = when.is ? [when] : when.switch;
const before = ids.length;
for (let j = 0; j < tests.length; ++j) {
const { is, then, otherwise } = tests[j];
const baseId = `${i}${when.switch ? '.' + j : ''}`;
if (is.$_match(input, state.nest(is, `${baseId}.is`), prefs)) {
if (then) {
const localState = state.localize([...state.path, `${baseId}.then`], state.ancestors, state.schemas);
const { schema: generated, id } = then._generate(value, localState, prefs);
ids.push(`${baseId}.then${id ? `(${id})` : ''}`);
else if (otherwise) {
const localState = state.localize([...state.path, `${baseId}.otherwise`], state.ancestors, state.schemas);
const { schema: generated, id } = otherwise._generate(value, localState, prefs);
ids.push(`${baseId}.otherwise${id ? `(${id})` : ''}`);
if (when.break &&
ids.length > before) { // Something matched
// Check cache
const id = ids.join(', ');
state.mainstay.tracer.debug(state, 'rule', 'when', id);
if (!id) {
return { schema: this };
if (!state.mainstay.tracer.active &&
this.$_temp.whens[id]) {
return { schema: this.$_temp.whens[id], id };
// Generate dynamic schema
let obj = this; // eslint-disable-line consistent-this
if (this._definition.generate) {
obj = this._definition.generate(this, value, state, prefs);
// Apply whens
for (const when of whens) {
obj = obj.concat(when);
// Tracing
if (this.$_root._tracer) {
this.$_root._tracer._combine(obj, [this, ...whens]);
// Cache result
this.$_temp.whens[id] = obj;
return { schema: obj, id };
_inner(type, values, options = {}) {
Assert(!this._inRuleset(), `Cannot set ${type} inside a ruleset`);
const obj = this.clone();
if (!obj.$_terms[type] ||
options.override) {
obj.$_terms[type] = [];
if (options.single) {
else {
obj.$_temp.ruleset = false;
return obj;
_inRuleset() {
return this.$_temp.ruleset !== null && this.$_temp.ruleset !== false;
_ruleRemove(name, options = {}) {
if (!this._singleRules.has(name)) {
return this;
const obj = options.clone !== false ? this.clone() : this;
const filtered = [];
for (let i = 0; i < obj._rules.length; ++i) {
const test = obj._rules[i];
if (test.name === name &&
!test.keep) {
if (obj._inRuleset() &&
i < obj.$_temp.ruleset) {
obj._rules = filtered;
return obj;
_values(values, key) {
Common.verifyFlat(values, key.slice(1, -1));
const obj = this.clone();
const override = values[0] === Common.symbols.override;
if (override) {
values = values.slice(1);
if (!obj[key] &&
values.length) {
obj[key] = new Values();
else if (override) {
obj[key] = values.length ? new Values() : null;
if (!obj[key]) {
return obj;
if (override) {
for (const value of values) {
Assert(value !== undefined, 'Cannot call allow/valid/invalid with undefined');
Assert(value !== Common.symbols.override, 'Override must be the first value');
const other = key === '_invalids' ? '_valids' : '_invalids';
if (obj[other]) {
if (!obj[other].length) {
Assert(key === '_valids' || !obj._flags.only, 'Setting invalid value', value, 'leaves schema rejecting all values due to previous valid rule');
obj[other] = null;
obj[key].add(value, obj._refs);
return obj;
internals.Base.prototype[Common.symbols.any] = {
version: Common.version,
compile: Compile.compile,
root: '$_root'
internals.Base.prototype.isImmutable = true; // Prevents Hoek from deep cloning schema objects (must be on prototype)
// Aliases
internals.Base.prototype.deny = internals.Base.prototype.invalid;
internals.Base.prototype.disallow = internals.Base.prototype.invalid;
internals.Base.prototype.equal = internals.Base.prototype.valid;
internals.Base.prototype.exist = internals.Base.prototype.required;
internals.Base.prototype.not = internals.Base.prototype.invalid;
internals.Base.prototype.options = internals.Base.prototype.prefs;
internals.Base.prototype.preferences = internals.Base.prototype.prefs;
module.exports = new internals.Base();