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2023-10-31T11:21:01+02:00 event-talk
David Venhoek - Time in the Network


Time has become an important underpinning for both security and the enabling of new applications on the internet. Recently discovered security vulnerabilities such as those in TETRA underline this. In this talk, we will dive into the world of time synchronization, why it is important and what it requires from the underlying network.

During the talk, we will focus on applications of time synchronizations in both security and in distributed systems. Both of the main time synchronization protocols NTP and PTP will be discussed. We will look at what they each have to offer, when to use what, and how they interact with the underlying network architecture.


David is technical lead on the ntpd-rs implementation of NTP and the statime implementation of PTP. He has a double masters in both physics and the mathematical foundations of computer science, and has previously worked on the cryptography behind anonymous credentials for Yivi (previously IRMA).

As part of his work on ntpd-rs, he also participates in the IETF NTP Working Group, contributing to the next version of NTP.