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# Secrets
Secrets are handled using [Agenix](https://github.com/ryantm/agenix).
## Cheat sheet
### Adding a secret
As an example, let us add a secret in a file “cheeses” whose content should be
“best ones come unpasteurised”.
1. Edit [`secrets.nix`](./secrets.nix), adding a field to the final record with
the file name mapped to the systems that should be able to decrypt the
secret, for instance:
cheeses = [ vm02116 forgejo-ci ];
2. Run Agenix to add the content of the file. Agenix is provided by the
development Shell but can also be run directly with `nix run
github:ryantm/agenix --`. Run `agenix -e cheeses.age` (with the `.age`
extension); this will open your `$EDITOR` ; enter “best ones come
unpasteurised”, save and close.
3. If you are doing something flake-related such as NixOps4, do not forget to
commit or at least stage the secret.
4. In the machine's configuration, load the Agenix NixOS module, declare your
secret, possibly with owner/group, and use it where necessary, eg.:
{ config, ... }:
imports = [ inputs.agenix.x86_64-linux.nixosModules.default ];
age.secrets.cheeses.file = ../secrets/cheeses.age;
# age.secrets.cheeses.owner = "jeanpierre";
# age.secrets.cheeses.group = "france";
# age.secrets.cheeses.mode = "440";
services.imaginaryCheeseFactory.frenchSecretFile = config.age.secrets.cheeses.path;
5. Never read the content of the file in Nix, that is never do anything like:
services.imaginaryCheeseFactory.frenchSecret = readFile config.age.secrets.cheeses.path;
This will put the secret as a world-readable file in the Nix store. The
service that you are using must be able to read from a file at runtime, and
if the NixOS default module options do not provide that, you must find a way
around it.