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Standup: 2025-03-06 @09:30
Present: Bjorn, Eric, Gheorghe, Koen, Lois, Ronny, Valentin
Absent: Nicholas (known), Hans (known), Kiara (known)
- Gheorghe
- No blockers
- Yesterday: Internal PM activities + starting the central document for the Tweag back-end Nix creation.
- Today: Internal PM activities + continuing the central document for the Tweag back-end Nix creation.
- Koen
- no blockers
- no updates
- Valentin
- Discussed steps for demo preparation with Bjorn, Kevin, Lois
- Continued tying up the data models in the backend
- Reviewed the deliverables document Gheorghe prepared
- Reviewed Robert's "modular services" PR
- Bjorn
- Yesterday: spoke with Ronny, Valentin & with Kevin & Lois about the demo
- Today: will speak with Koen.
- TODO: will remove the old board
- Loïs
- Blockers: Needing a review on pr 141
- Worked on MVP 2 preperation
- Worked with Valentin and Kevin on versioned configurations
- Today: Prepare further for demo 2
- Eric
- no blockers
- available
- Kevin
- blocked on needing a review on the pr 141
- Yesterday, met with loïs and Valentin to look at versioned configurations
- also had a meeting with loïs, valentin and Bjorn for the mvp 2 next tuesday
- This morning had a discusion with Loïs to prepare for the next demo
- Ronny
- Had a chat with Bjorn about structure
- Preparing the partnermeeting on Friday