Add 2024-11-21-roberth-comments-post-meeting.md
2024-11-26 11:01:56 +01:00
2024-01-10 Weekly Meeting Notes.txt
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
Add meeting notes for the NixOps discussion
2024-03-01 14:51:01 +01:00
2024-05-16 Meeting Notes.pdf
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
2024-05-23 Meeting Notes.pdf
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
2024-06-18 Project Status Meeting Notes.pdf
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
2024-06-20 Notes fediversity.md
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
2024-06-27 meeting notes.md
meeting notes
2024-07-01 13:51:09 +02:00
2024-07-02 Tech session.md
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
2024-07-13 - Meeting Notes.pdf
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
second kubernetes discussion
2024-07-16 10:54:42 -04:00
added meeting notes
2024-07-16 09:30:20 -04:00
2024-07-18 weekly meeting notes.pdf
Upload files to "meeting-notes"
2024-07-18 16:26:29 +02:00
2024-08-01 meeting notes.md
move meeting notes into common directory
2024-10-15 09:54:22 +02:00
2024-08-22 meeting notes.md
Upload files to "meeting-notes"
2024-08-22 18:23:00 +02:00
2024-08-29 meeting notes.md
move meeting notes into common directory
2024-10-15 09:54:22 +02:00
2024-09 Nordunet conferentie samenvatting.md
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
2024-09-03 Notes fediversity meeting NLnet - OID.md
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
2024-09-16 meeting notes.md
Upload files to "meeting-notes"
2024-09-16 17:23:42 +02:00
2024-009-19 standup notes.md
Upload files to "meeting-notes"
2024-09-19 16:24:57 +02:00
2024-10-01 standup notes.md
Upload files to "meeting-notes"
2024-10-01 09:57:03 +02:00
fix date typo
2024-10-10 09:36:40 +02:00
2024-10-07 standup notes.md
Upload files to "meeting-notes"
2024-10-07 09:49:37 +02:00
2024-10-08 standup notes.md
merge duplicate meeting notes
2024-10-08 10:48:39 +02:00
2024-10-09 standup notes.md
2024-10-09 meeting notes
2024-10-09 09:56:49 +02:00
2024-10-10 standup notes.md
revert ac96c2bf59
2024-10-10 15:42:16 +02:00
2024-10-11 standup notes.md
fix date typo
2024-10-14 09:37:19 +02:00
2024-10-14 standup notes.md
Upload files to "meeting-notes"
2024-10-14 10:03:31 +02:00
2024-10-15 standup notes.md
merge meeting notes
2024-10-15 09:54:01 +02:00
2024-10-21 standup notes.md
Update meeting-notes/2024-10-21 standup notes.md
2024-10-21 10:40:05 +02:00
2024-10-22 standup.md
Add meeting-notes/2024-10-22 standup.md
2024-10-22 09:51:37 +02:00
2024-10-23 standup.md
Add meeting-notes/2024-10-23 standup.md
2024-10-23 09:48:36 +02:00
2024-10-24 standup notes.md
meeting notes
2024-10-24 10:30:27 +02:00
2024-10-28 standup notes.md
meeting notes
2024-10-28 09:52:55 +01:00
2024-11-01 standup notes.md
2024-11-01 standup notes
2024-11-01 10:01:46 +01:00
2024-11-04 meeting notes.md
normalise file name
2024-11-06 10:23:03 +01:00
2024-11-05 standup notes.md
add updates from work meeting
2024-11-05 10:34:48 +01:00
2024-11-06 standup notes.md
add notes on user-facing architecture
2024-11-06 10:58:50 +01:00
2024-11-07 standup notes.md
2024-11-07 standup notes
2024-11-07 10:09:22 +01:00
2024-11-07 Weekly Meeting Notes.pdf
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
2024-11-08 standup notes.md
clarify the DNS requirement
2024-11-08 11:48:00 +01:00
2024-11-11 standup notes.md
move to meeting notes
2024-11-13 14:50:49 +01:00
2024-11-12 standup notes.md
2024-11-12 standup notes
2024-11-12 10:03:41 +01:00
2024-11-13 standup notes.md
standup notes 2024-11-13
2024-11-13 17:02:01 +01:00
2024-11-14 standup notes.md
standup notes 2024-11-14
2024-11-14 14:14:04 +01:00
2024-11-15-standup notes.md
standup notes
2024-11-26 11:01:43 +01:00
2024-11-18 standup notes.md
2024-11-18 standup notes
2024-11-26 11:01:43 +01:00
2024-11-19 standup notes.md
2024-11-19 standup notes
2024-11-26 11:01:43 +01:00
2024-11-20 standup notes.md
standup notes
2024-11-26 11:01:43 +01:00
2024-11-21 standup notes.md
2024-11-21 standup notes
2024-11-26 11:01:56 +01:00
2024-11-22 standup notes.md
add standup notes
2024-11-26 11:01:56 +01:00
2024-11-25 standup notes.md
fix merge issue
2024-11-27 11:19:28 +01:00
2024-11-26 standup notes.md
2024-11-26 standup notes
2024-11-26 11:01:56 +01:00
2024-11-27 standup notes.md
fix formatting of meeting notes
2024-11-28 10:02:33 +01:00
2024-11-28 standup notes.md
Update meeting-notes/2024-11-28 standup notes.md
2024-12-02 23:04:17 +01:00
2024-11-29 standup notes.md
Update meeting-notes/2024-11-29 standup notes.md
2024-12-02 13:39:17 +01:00
2024-12-02 standup notes.md
Fix filename typo
2024-12-02 13:17:33 +01:00
2024-12-03 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2024-12-03 standup notes.md
2024-12-03 11:09:27 +01:00
2024-12-04 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2024-12-04 standup notes.md
2024-12-04 10:36:44 +01:00
2024-12-05 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2024-12-05 standup notes.md
2024-12-05 13:02:19 +01:00
2024-12-06 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2024-12-06 standup notes.md
2024-12-06 09:58:10 +01:00
2024-12-09 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2024-12-09 standup notes.md
2024-12-09 22:56:08 +01:00
2024-12-10 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2024-12-10 standup notes.md
2024-12-10 12:05:33 +01:00
Add meeting-notes/2024-12-10-decision-making-meeting-dealing-with-secrets.md
2024-12-10 12:00:59 +01:00
2024-12-11 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2024-12-11 standup notes.md
2024-12-11 18:04:59 +01:00
2024-12-12 DSU meeting notes.md
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
2024-12-13 standup notes.md
Update meeting-notes/2024-12-13 standup notes.md
2024-12-16 09:07:46 +01:00
2024-12-16 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2024-12-16 standup notes.md
2024-12-16 09:48:34 +01:00
2024-12-17 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2024-12-17 standup notes.md
2024-12-17 09:44:17 +01:00
2024-12-18 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2024-12-18 standup notes.md
2024-12-18 09:46:12 +01:00
2024-12-19 standup notes.md
Update meeting-notes/2024-12-19 standup notes.md
2025-01-05 16:09:34 +01:00
2025-01-06 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-06 standup notes.md
2025-01-06 10:52:26 +01:00
2025-01-07 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-07 standup notes.md
2025-01-07 09:53:44 +01:00
2025-01-08 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-08 standup notes.md
2025-01-08 09:48:40 +01:00
2025-01-09 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-09 standup notes.md
2025-01-09 10:11:45 +01:00
2025-01-10 standup notes.md
Update meeting-notes/2025-01-10 standup notes.md
2025-01-10 09:57:48 +01:00
2025-01-13 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-13 standup notes.md
2025-01-15 09:19:19 +01:00
2025-01-14 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-14 standup notes.md
2025-01-15 09:24:07 +01:00
2025-01-15 standup notes.md
Update meeting-notes/2025-01-15 standup notes.md
2025-01-15 09:56:39 +01:00
2025-01-16 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-16 standup notes.md
2025-01-16 10:00:57 +01:00
2025-01-20 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-20 standup notes.md
2025-01-20 09:52:39 +01:00
2025-01-21 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-21 standup notes.md
2025-01-23 09:24:38 +01:00
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-22.md
2025-01-24 13:00:59 +01:00
2025-01-23 standup notes.md
Update meeting-notes/2025-01-23 standup notes.md
2025-01-23 09:50:33 +01:00
2025-01-24 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-24 standup notes.md
2025-01-24 09:44:35 +01:00
update roadmap following team meeting
2025-01-27 10:13:42 +01:00
2025-01-27 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-27 standup notes.md
2025-01-27 09:45:54 +01:00
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-27-decision-making-meeting-division-of-labor.md
2025-01-28 13:39:06 +01:00
2025-01-28 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-28 standup notes.md
2025-01-28 12:32:54 +01:00
2025-01-29 standup notes.md
Update meeting-notes/2025-01-29 standup notes.md
2025-01-29 09:57:42 +01:00
2025-01-30 nixos_deploy_session.md
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
2025-01-30 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-01-30 standup notes.md
2025-01-30 23:40:47 +01:00
2025-01-31 standup notes.md
Update meeting-notes/2025-01-31 standup notes.md
2025-01-31 12:00:56 +01:00
2025-02-03 standup notes.md
2025-02-03 09:56:35 +01:00
2025-02-04 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-04 standup notes.md
2025-02-04 18:12:26 +01:00
2025-02-05 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-05 standup notes.md
2025-02-06 09:16:50 +01:00
2025-02-06 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-06 standup notes.md
2025-02-06 09:53:42 +01:00
2025-02-07 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-07 standup notes.md
2025-02-07 19:19:03 +01:00
2025-02-10 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-10 standup notes.md
2025-02-12 09:20:31 +01:00
2025-02-11 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-11 standup notes.md
2025-02-12 09:21:54 +01:00
2025-02-12 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-12 standup notes.md
2025-02-12 23:30:26 +01:00
Update meeting-notes/2025-02-12-mvp-dev-meeting.md
2025-02-12 23:23:01 +01:00
2025-02-13 standup notes.md
added meeting notes
2025-02-14 09:13:42 +01:00
added mvp dev meeting notes
2025-02-14 09:18:25 +01:00
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
2025-02-14 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-14 standup notes.md
2025-02-14 09:43:46 +01:00
2025-02-17 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-17 standup notes.md
2025-02-17 09:45:41 +01:00
2025-02-18 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-18 standup notes.md
2025-02-19 23:34:12 +01:00
2025-02-19 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-19 standup notes.md
2025-02-19 23:36:04 +01:00
2025-02-20 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-20 standup notes.md
2025-02-21 09:28:54 +01:00
2025-02-21 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-21 standup notes.md
2025-02-21 09:42:22 +01:00
2025-02-24 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-02-24 standup notes.md
2025-02-25 16:46:51 +01:00
2025-02-25 standup notes.md
Chnage the DSU meeting .pdf file with the .md file.
2025-02-26 09:45:20 +02:00
2025-02-26 standup notes.md
restructure the meeting notes to consistently start with the ISO date format, as it facilitates using computer sorestructure meeting notes to consistently start with ISO date format
2025-03-04 10:23:19 +01:00
2025-02-26 version drift.md
add notes on architecture discussion
2025-02-26 11:01:58 +01:00
add architecture discussion 2025-02-26
2025-02-26 11:07:20 +01:00
2025-02-27 meeting notes.md
Uploaded the DSU document for the 2025-02-27.
2025-02-27 10:46:08 +02:00
2025-03-03 standup notes.md
Add meeting-notes/2025-03-03 standup notes.md
2025-03-03 09:47:50 +01:00
add progress indicator architecture meeting notes
2025-03-03 10:45:44 +01:00