2024-03-27 12:24:18 +01:00

102 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable file

#################### default parameters ################################
# favicon module: https://github.com/gethugothemes/hugo-modules/tree/master/images#favicon-implementation
favicon = "images/favicon.png"
# logo module: https://github.com/gethugothemes/hugo-modules/tree/master/images#logo-implementation
logo = "images/logo.png"
logo_darkmode = "images/logo-darkmode.png"
# use `px` or `x` with logo_width, example: "100px".
# Note: logo_width is not work with .svg file
logo_width = "160px"
logo_height = "32px"
# if logo_webp set false, will not generate WEBP version of logo | default is true
logo_webp = true
# logo text will only show when logo is missing.
logo_text = "Hugoplate"
# navbar fixed to top
navbar_fixed = true
# theme-mode
theme_switcher = true
theme_default = "system" # available options [light/dark/system]
# Main Sections
mainSections = ["blog"]
# contact form action
contact_form_action = "#" # contact form works with [https://airform.io/] or [https://formspree.io]
# google tag manager, see https://developers.google.com/tag-manager/
google_tag_manager = "" # example: G-XXXXXXXXXX
google_adsense = "" # example: ca-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# custom script on header, example: custom_script= "<script>console.log(\"Hello World\")</script>"
custom_script = ""
# copyright
copyright = "Designed & Developed by [Zeon Studio](https://zeon.studio)"
# Preloader
# preloader module: https://github.com/gethugothemes/hugo-modules/tree/master/components/preloader
enable = false
preloader = "" # use jpg, png, svg or gif format.
# Navigation button
enable = true
label = "Contact"
link = "contact"
# search
# search module: https://github.com/gethugothemes/hugo-modules/tree/master/search
enable = true
primary_color = "#121212"
include_sections = ["blog"]
show_image = true
show_description = true
show_tags = true
show_categories = true
# seo meta data for OpenGraph / Twitter Card
# seo module: https://github.com/gethugothemes/hugo-modules/tree/master/seo-tools/basic-seo
keywords = ["Boilerplate", "Hugo"]
description = "Hugo & Tailwindcss Starter"
author = "zeon.studio"
image = "images/og-image.png"
# site verifications
# verification module: https://github.com/gethugothemes/hugo-modules/tree/master/seo-tools/site-verifications
google = "" # Your verification code
bing = "" # Your verification code
baidu = "" # Your verification code
facebook = "" # Your verification code
mastodon = "" # Your verification code
# cookies
# cookies module: https://github.com/gethugothemes/hugo-modules/tree/master/components/cookie-consent
enable = false
expire_days = 60
content = "This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use."
button = "I Accept"
######################## sidebar widgets #########################
sidebar = ["categories", "tags"]
# google map
enable = false
map_api_key = "AIzaSyCcABaamniA6OL5YvYSpB3pFMNrXwXnLwU"
map_latitude = "51.5223477"
map_longitude = "-0.1622023"
map_marker = "images/marker.png"
# Subscription
enable = false
# mailchimp subsciption
mailchimp_form_action = "https://gmail.us4.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=463ee871f45d2d93748e77cad&amp;id=a0a2c6d074" # replace this url with yours
mailchimp_form_name = "b_463ee871f45d2d93748e77cad_a0a2c6d074"