2024-03-26 16:28:28 +01:00

292 lines
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/// <reference types="node" />
export type ConfigType = 'number' | 'string' | 'boolean';
* Given a Jack object, get the typeof its ConfigSet
export type Unwrap<J> = J extends Jack<infer C> ? C : never;
import { inspect, InspectOptions } from 'node:util';
* Defines the type of value that is valid, given a config definition's
* {@link ConfigType} and boolean multiple setting
export type ValidValue<T extends ConfigType, M extends boolean> = [
] extends ['number', true] ? number[] : [T, M] extends ['string', true] ? string[] : [T, M] extends ['boolean', true] ? boolean[] : [T, M] extends ['number', false] ? number : [T, M] extends ['string', false] ? string : [T, M] extends ['boolean', false] ? boolean : [T, M] extends ['string', boolean] ? string | string[] : [T, M] extends ['boolean', boolean] ? boolean | boolean[] : [T, M] extends ['number', boolean] ? number | number[] : [T, M] extends [ConfigType, false] ? string | number | boolean : [T, M] extends [ConfigType, true] ? string[] | number[] | boolean[] : string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | boolean[];
* The meta information for a config option definition, when the
* type and multiple values can be inferred by the method being used
export type ConfigOptionMeta<T extends ConfigType, M extends boolean> = {
default?: ValidValue<T, M> | undefined;
description?: string;
validate?: ((v: any) => v is ValidValue<T, M>) | ((v: any) => boolean);
short?: string | undefined;
type?: T;
} & (T extends 'boolean' ? {} : {
hint?: string | undefined;
}) & (M extends false ? {} : {
multiple?: M | undefined;
delim?: string | undefined;
* A set of {@link ConfigOptionMeta} fields, referenced by their longOption
* string values.
export type ConfigMetaSet<T extends ConfigType, M extends boolean> = {
[longOption: string]: ConfigOptionMeta<T, M>;
* Infer {@link ConfigSet} fields from a given {@link ConfigMetaSet}
export type ConfigSetFromMetaSet<T extends ConfigType, M extends boolean, S extends ConfigMetaSet<T, M>> = {
[longOption in keyof S]: ConfigOptionBase<T, M>;
* Fields that can be set on a {@link ConfigOptionBase} or
* {@link ConfigOptionMeta} based on whether or not the field is known to be
* multiple.
export type MultiType<M extends boolean> = M extends true ? {
multiple: true;
delim?: string | undefined;
} : M extends false ? {
multiple?: false | undefined;
delim?: undefined;
} : {
multiple?: boolean | undefined;
delim?: string | undefined;
* A config field definition, in its full representation.
export type ConfigOptionBase<T extends ConfigType, M extends boolean> = {
type: T;
short?: string | undefined;
default?: ValidValue<T, M> | undefined;
description?: string;
hint?: T extends 'boolean' ? undefined : string | undefined;
validate?: (v: any) => v is ValidValue<T, M>;
} & MultiType<M>;
export declare const isConfigType: (t: string) => t is ConfigType;
export declare const isConfigOption: <T extends ConfigType, M extends boolean>(o: any, type: T, multi: M) => o is ConfigOptionBase<T, M>;
* A set of {@link ConfigOptionBase} objects, referenced by their longOption
* string values.
export type ConfigSet = {
[longOption: string]: ConfigOptionBase<ConfigType, boolean>;
* The 'values' field returned by {@link Jack#parse}
export type OptionsResults<T extends ConfigSet> = {
[k in keyof T]?: T[k] extends ConfigOptionBase<'string', false> ? string : T[k] extends ConfigOptionBase<'string', true> ? string[] : T[k] extends ConfigOptionBase<'number', false> ? number : T[k] extends ConfigOptionBase<'number', true> ? number[] : T[k] extends ConfigOptionBase<'boolean', false> ? boolean : T[k] extends ConfigOptionBase<'boolean', true> ? boolean[] : never;
* The object retured by {@link Jack#parse}
export type Parsed<T extends ConfigSet> = {
values: OptionsResults<T>;
positionals: string[];
* A row used when generating the {@link Jack#usage} string
export interface Row {
left?: string;
text: string;
skipLine?: boolean;
type?: string;
* A heading for a section in the usage, created by the jack.heading()
* method.
* First heading is always level 1, subsequent headings default to 2.
* The level of the nearest heading level sets the indentation of the
* description that follows.
export interface Heading extends Row {
type: 'heading';
text: string;
left?: '';
skipLine?: boolean;
level: number;
pre?: boolean;
* An arbitrary blob of text describing some stuff, set by the
* jack.description() method.
* Indentation determined by level of the nearest header.
export interface Description extends Row {
type: 'description';
text: string;
left?: '';
skipLine?: boolean;
pre?: boolean;
* A heading or description row used when generating the {@link Jack#usage}
* string
export type TextRow = Heading | Description;
* Either a {@link TextRow} or a reference to a {@link ConfigOptionBase}
export type UsageField = TextRow | {
type: 'config';
name: string;
value: ConfigOptionBase<ConfigType, boolean>;
* Options provided to the {@link Jack} constructor
export interface JackOptions {
* Whether to allow positional arguments
* @default true
allowPositionals?: boolean;
* Prefix to use when reading/writing the environment variables
* If not specified, environment behavior will not be available.
envPrefix?: string;
* Environment object to read/write. Defaults `process.env`.
* No effect if `envPrefix` is not set.
env?: {
[k: string]: string | undefined;
* A short usage string. If not provided, will be generated from the
* options provided, but that can of course be rather verbose if
* there are a lot of options.
usage?: string;
* Stop parsing flags and opts at the first positional argument.
* This is to support cases like `cmd [flags] <subcmd> [options]`, where
* each subcommand may have different options. This effectively treats
* any positional as a `--` argument. Only relevant if `allowPositionals`
* is true.
* To do subcommands, set this option, look at the first positional, and
* parse the remaining positionals as appropriate.
* @default false
stopAtPositional?: boolean;
* Class returned by the {@link jack} function and all configuration
* definition methods. This is what gets chained together.
export declare class Jack<C extends ConfigSet = {}> {
constructor(options?: JackOptions);
* Set the default value (which will still be overridden by env or cli)
* as if from a parsed config file. The optional `source` param, if
* provided, will be included in error messages if a value is invalid or
* unknown.
setConfigValues(values: OptionsResults<C>, source?: string): this;
* Parse a string of arguments, and return the resulting
* `{ values, positionals }` object.
* If an {@link JackOptions#envPrefix} is set, then it will read default
* values from the environment, and write the resulting values back
* to the environment as well.
* Environment values always take precedence over any other value, except
* an explicit CLI setting.
parse(args?: string[]): Parsed<C>;
* Validate that any arbitrary object is a valid configuration `values`
* object. Useful when loading config files or other sources.
validate(o: any): asserts o is Parsed<C>['values'];
* Add a heading to the usage output banner
heading(text: string, level?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6, { pre }?: {
pre?: boolean;
}): Jack<C>;
* Add a long-form description to the usage output at this position.
description(text: string, { pre }?: {
pre?: boolean;
}): Jack<C>;
* Add one or more number fields.
num<F extends ConfigMetaSet<'number', false>>(fields: F): Jack<C & ConfigSetFromMetaSet<'number', false, F>>;
* Add one or more multiple number fields.
numList<F extends ConfigMetaSet<'number', true>>(fields: F): Jack<C & ConfigSetFromMetaSet<'number', true, F>>;
* Add one or more string option fields.
opt<F extends ConfigMetaSet<'string', false>>(fields: F): Jack<C & ConfigSetFromMetaSet<'string', false, F>>;
* Add one or more multiple string option fields.
optList<F extends ConfigMetaSet<'string', true>>(fields: F): Jack<C & ConfigSetFromMetaSet<'string', true, F>>;
* Add one or more flag fields.
flag<F extends ConfigMetaSet<'boolean', false>>(fields: F): Jack<C & ConfigSetFromMetaSet<'boolean', false, F>>;
* Add one or more multiple flag fields.
flagList<F extends ConfigMetaSet<'boolean', true>>(fields: F): Jack<C & ConfigSetFromMetaSet<'boolean', true, F>>;
* Generic field definition method. Similar to flag/flagList/number/etc,
* but you must specify the `type` (and optionally `multiple` and `delim`)
* fields on each one, or Jack won't know how to define them.
addFields<F extends ConfigSet>(fields: F): Jack<C & F>;
* Return the usage banner for the given configuration
usage(): string;
* Return the usage banner markdown for the given configuration
usageMarkdown(): string;
* Return the configuration options as a plain object
toJSON(): {
[k: string]: {
default?: string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | boolean[] | undefined;
validate?: ((v: any) => v is string | number | boolean | string[] | number[] | boolean[]) | undefined;
description?: string | undefined;
short?: string | undefined;
delim?: string | undefined;
multiple?: boolean | undefined;
type: ConfigType;
* Custom printer for `util.inspect`
[inspect.custom](_: number, options: InspectOptions): string;
* Main entry point. Create and return a {@link Jack} object.
export declare const jack: (options?: JackOptions) => Jack<{}>;
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