# The Fediversity project This repository contains all the code and code-related files having to do with [the Fediversity project](https://fediversity.eu/), with the notable exception of [NixOps4 that is hosted on GitHub](https://github.com/nixops4/nixops4). ## Content of this repository Most of the directories in this repository have their own README going into more details as to what they are for. As an overview: - [`deployment/`](./deployment) contains bits and pieces having to do with auto-deployment of test VMs on a private Proxmox. - [`infra/`](./infra) contains the configurations for the various VMs that are in production for the project, for instance the Git instances or the Wiki. - [`keys/`](./keys) contains the public keys of the contributors to this project as well as the systems that we administrate. - [`matrix/`](./matrix) contains everything having to do with setting up a fully-featured Matrix server. - [`secrets/`](./secrets) contains the secrets that need to get injected into machine configurations. - [`services/`](./services) contains our effort to make Fediverse applications work seemlessly together in our specific setting. - [`website/`](./website) contains the framework and the content of [the Fediversity website](https://fediversity.eu/)