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2023-07-22 20:06:40 +02:00
- presentaties
date: 2022-05-10T21:00:43+02:00
description: ""
layout: event-talk
title: "Machteld Vrieze - How will the EU new legislative frameworks impact the digital infrastructure?"
- machteld-vrieze
filename: 2022-05-10-machteld-vrieze-how-will-the-eu-new-legislative-frameworks-impact-the-digital-infrastructure.pdf
platform: youtube
## Abstract
The legislative machine of the European Commission has made overtime the past few years to make "Europe fit for the digital age"; drafting and negotiating the NISD, CSA, DORA, eIDAS, AI ACT, DMS, DSA, GDPR, telecomcode. See the [Legislative Train Schedule](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/legislative-train/theme-a-europe-fit-for-the-digital-age). Digital service providers, online platforms, and providers in the Digital infrastructure are most effected.
In my presentation, I will touch briefly on these frameworks and mainly go into the NISD (Directive on the security of Network and Information systems), the evaluation and the new proposal on the NIS2. This framework has digital service providers and digital infrastructure in scope. NIS2 has not been finalized at the time of my presentation. I will cover the '[general approach](https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-14337-2021-INIT/en/pdf)', a draft that is still in the process of negotiation.
## Biography
Machteld studied Informatics and Law, and Forensic Research in Computer Networks. She worked for various governmental bodies as a legal counsel, and is currently policy advisor at Agentschap Telecom, the competent authority for (a.o.) Telecom, trustservices and Digital infrastructure.
She is the chair of the workstream for European Competent Authorities on Digital Service Providers in scope of the NIS. (Directive on security of Network and Informationsystems). In the past 5 years, she has been involved in supervision on the NIS, as well in the drafting of the argument position of the Netherlands for the sequel, NIS2.