Date and Time: 2025-01-14 09:30

Present: Gheorghe, Eric, Björn, Kevin, Robert, Richard
Absent: Ronny (known), Nicholas (known), Hans (known), Valentin (known),Koen (unknown) 

* ​Kevin 
	* No updates 
	* Had internal meetings
	* Not available due to other obligations 

* Richard
	* No updates 
	* Had internal meetings
	* Not available due to other obligations 

* Eric 
	* No updates 

* Robert 
	* No updates
	* Working on NixOps, probably no updates for some time 
	* Not started with presentation for FOSDEM

* Gheorghe
	* Valentin will probably return next week 
	* Will send info on the man-month hrs (172hrs) 

* Hans
	* Provision Matrix server perhaps with Docker play book for quickness  

* Bjorn
    * Still working on other obligations which have a link with Fediversity
    * Will continue with Fediverse investments