Attendees: Gheorghe, Kevin, Richard, Valentin, Nicolas, Ronny, Eric

* Valentin:
	* Did some internal review and planning with Nicolas and Gheorghe
	* Thought about UX and implementation for asset management in the static website setup
		* Trying to minimize the amount of code, moving parts, and content author interactions required
		* Will start writing a first prototype today
* Nicolas:
	* Continued unifying the infrastructure code
	* CI is too slow though, and tests still fail because of that
		* Will check in with Eric on what to do about it
	* Can help with setting up email on the internal wiki
		* Need access to the machine hosting it
	* Can demo a script for spinning up Proxmox VMs (the Thursday demo started with existing VMs to deploy NixOS)
* Robert (via Matrix):
	* Made progress on a test-support framework
		* This is Nicolas can write automated tests with NixOps4, reusing the NixOS VM test framework
	* Planned after that are concurrency and then stateful resource support
* Kevin: Worked on providing more resources to the CI runner. May have to rack a machine with a faster CPU
* Richard: Will provide Nicolas with an email address for testing the Wiki, and investiate how to configure the Wiki