​Attendees: Eric, Kevin, Koen, Robert, Ronny, Niols

Everybody please send a list of what you think is missing or lacking in our team in terms of:
    * structure
    * planning
    * communication
Please especially consider to add the things you think you are not good at yourself and how you think those should be countered.

Kevin is working on the Proxmox documentation.

* get to learn proxmox (meet with kevin tomorrow)
* one machine pixelfed (next week) 
* look into mail support

* will build domain knowledge and document (for the packages in the plan)

* take smallest scope that we can use to 'drink our own champaign
* perhaps start with DNS or e-mail
* get diagram in 'sensible form' in git
* koen suggested peertube as a first target

* is looking for actual code review
* working on improving logging
* can move on to making module system production ready
* Robert will ask Valentin to 'create abstracted image' of the architecture of nixops