**Date and Time:** 2025-01-24 09:30  
**Present:** Björn, Hans, Richard, Kevin, Ronny, Robert, Valentin  
**Absent:** Koen (known), Nicolas (unknown),Gheorghe(unknown)  

* Richard
	* No blockers 
	* No updates
* Kevin 
	* Worked a bit on Pixelfed infra 
	* Shared  info with Dan
	* MySQL is next. 
	* Need some help from Richard with Nagios
* Ronny
	* Good meeting yesterday
	* No updates & no blockers 
* Hans
	* No blockers
	* Had other obligations yesterday
	* Will finish up the setting Matrix deployment
* Robert
	* No updates 
* Valentin 
	* Wrote updates to the roadmap PR
	* Will work on task breakdown with Nicolas
    * Meeting with Ronny & Bjorn needs to be planned 
* Bjorn
	* Did some work on the outreach, see links in our Matrix channel 
	* Worked a bit on the website navigation to make it easier on smaller screens & added link to our repo
    * Today we have the project partners meeting & rest of the day not working on Fediversity