Date and Time: 2025-01-08 09:30 

### Attendees:
Present: Gheorghe, Eric, Nicholas, Kevin, Richard, Björn, Robert  
Absent: Koen (known), Ronny (known), Hans (known), Valentin (known)

* Nicholas
  * Will be merging config of website machine (becomes docs machine). Need to check with work from Valetin
  * Will be cleaning up, getting back into the work 
  * Need to fix some small issues with Pixelfed
  * Will be working in January on another project 2days p/wk. Details will follow  

* Robert
  * Was a bit under the weather
  * no updates & no blockers

* Eric
  * No work planned for Fediversity, if needed can help out

* Gheorghe:
  * No blockers
  * I'll update internal docs and status of the project

* Richard
  * No blockers 
  * Ready to take on new work 

* Kevin
  * Fix the CI machine 
  * Has other obligations today as well 

* Bjorn
  * Other obligations yesterday
  * Will continue to work on Fediverse investments estimate doc (WP D-2.7)