@startgantt <style> ganttDiagram { task { BackGroundColor GreenYellow LineColor Green } undone { BackGroundColor Yellow } } </style> 2024-12-20 to 2025-01-5 is closed 2025-07-01 to 2025-08-31 is closed Project starts 2023-12-01 projectscale monthly 'Separator just at 2025-05-31 [Reporting period 1] happens at 2025-05-31 Separator just at [Reporting period 1]'s end -- WP1 Project Management -- [M1 First ActivityPub presence] starts 2023-12-29 and requires 7 days and is 100% completed [D1.1 Data Management Plan] starts 2023-12-01 and ends 2024-02-29 and is 100% completed [M6 First Tech talk] starts 2024-05-31 and requires 7 days and is 100% completed [M7 First Workshop] starts 2024-07-31 and requires 7 days and is 100% completed -- WP2 Vertical Hosting -- [D2.5 Technical architecture document] starts 2024-01-01 and ends 2024-03-29 and is 60% completed [D2.7 Analyze investment on fediverse] starts 2023-12-01 and ends 2024-04-30 and is colored in Red [D2.6 CI/CD setup] starts 2024-03-01 and ends 2024-10-31 and is colored in Red [D2.4 Nix Packages and NixOS Services] starts 2024-05-01 and ends 2024-11-29 and is 67% completed [D2.1 Software Release test environment] starts 2024-06-28 and ends 2024-11-29 and is 67% completed [D2.2 Software Release beta environment] starts 2025-01-01 and ends 2025-12-31 and is 0% completed [D2.3 Software release 1.0] starts 2025-12-01 and ends 2026-11-30 and is 0% completed -- WP3 Vertical Public organizations -- [D3.1 Requirements document] as [c1] starts 2025-01-01 and ends 2025-03-31 and is 0% completed [D3.2 Pilot program proposals] as [c2] starts at [c1]'s end and ends 2025-05-31 and is 0% completed [D3.3 Technical architecture document pilot programs] as [c3] starts at [c2]'s end and ends 2025-12-31 and is 0% completed [D3.4 Nix service flakes, packages and services for pilot programs] as [c4] starts at [c2]'s end and ends 2025-12-31 and is 0% completed [D3.5 CI/CD setup for pilot programs] as [c5] starts at [c2]'s end and ends 2025-12-31 and is 0% completed [D3.6 Running Fediverse software for public organisations advisory] starts at [c3]'s end and ends 2026-10-30 and is 0% completed [D3.6 Running Fediverse software for public organisations advisory] starts at [c4]'s end and ends 2026-10-30 and is 0% completed [D3.6 Running Fediverse software for public organisations advisory] starts at [c5]'s end and ends 2026-10-30 and is 0% completed -- WP4 Open calls and grant management -- [M2 Announcement open call] starts 2023-12-29 and requires 7 days and is 100% completed [M3 First open call opens] starts 2024-02-01 and requires 7 days and is 100% completed [M4 First batch of grantees selected] starts 2024-03-29 and requires 7 days and is 0% completed [D4.1 Overview of granted projects] starts 2026-07-01 and ends 2026-11-30 and is 0% completed -- WP5 Enhancement and Usability -- [D5.6 Setup UX design testlab] starts 2023-12-01 and ends 2024-07-31 and is colored in Red [D5.1 User requirement document] starts 2024-05-01 and ends 2024-08-30 and is colored in Red [D5.2 UX design] starts 2024-09-02 and ends 2025-11-28 and is 0% completed [D5.3 UX design implementation] starts 2025-12-01 and ends 2026-05-29 and is 0% completed [D5.4 UX design user studies] starts 2026-05-01 and ends 2026-09-30 and is 0% completed [D5.5 Design iteration and final release] starts 2026-10-01 and ends 2026-11-30 and is 0% completed -- WP6 Outreach and Dissemination -- [D6.1 Communication strategy] starts 2023-12-01 and ends 2024-01-31 and is colored in Red [D6.2 Media package] as [f2] starts 2024-12-01 and ends at [c1]'s start and is 0% completed [D6.3 Communication report first period] starts 2025-03-03 and ends 2025-04-30 and is 0% completed [D6.4 Communication report second period] starts 2026-09-01 and ends 2026-10-30 and is 0% completed @endgantt