Date: 2024-12-02

Attendees: Koen, Hans, Kevin, Björn,  Valentin, Robert,Richard

Absent: Gheorghe (Holiday), 

* Needs to work on getting a faster physical server for CI/CD

* Seperate repo for the core NixOps repo

* Standby, looking for work

* Did code-reviews, have some questions
* Had IRL stuff to take care off on Thu/Fri, will ramp up slowly this week again

* Has been working on CI/CD with Kevin.
	* Stress-tested a beefier machine to figure out what's the reason for performance issues in VM tests
	* IO seems to be the limiting factor
		* Koen: The reason is that the new machine doesn't use replicated storage

* Ready to build a few things, so would like to use the CI/CD 
* Has a PR ready, ran into problems with the merge. Nicholas can has created a branch which should work  (see Hans' PR). 

* Is running latest NixOS release without issues
* Blocker: planning issues. Has more time this week.
* Has a meeting at the Hogeschool Rotterdam with a  group of students on how to promote the Fediverse. 

* Work on the planning issues with Koen

* Just listening