forked from Fediversity/meta
Merge branch 'main' of
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 676 additions and 0 deletions
meeting-notes/2025-01-10 standup
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meeting-notes/2025-01-10 standup
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
**Date and Time:** 2025-01-09 09:30
- Present: Kevin, Hans, Richard, Robert, Nicholas, Gheorghe
**Discussion Points:**
1. **Kevin:**
- Mentioned that there are no buffers.
- Got the 4th fiscal show back on the Internet, though it is not permanently fixed.
- Hopes Nicholas can handle the next steps.
- Started working on documentation.
- Needs to fix the website issues.
2. **Hans:**
- Did not have a full day yesterday and will not have a full day today.
- Managed to start a Linux container on Proxmox.
- Plans to create a deployable and runnable container type.
- Will investigate and understand the container setup.
3. **Richard:**
- No blockers.
- Divided some work and is working on NixOS.
- Still facing the little blue button problem, which Bernhard could not solve.
4. **Robert:**
- No updates.
- No blockers.
5. **Nicholas:**
- No blockers.
- Cleaning up PRs.
- Plans to split the services in the Garage next Thursday.
6. **Gheorghe:**
- No blockers.
- Will continue working on internal project management artifacts.
**Action Items:**
- **Kevin:** Continue working on documentation and fix website issues.
- **Hans:** Investigate and understand the Linux container setup on Proxmox.
- **Richard:** Continue working on NixOS and address the little blue button problem.
- **Nicholas:** Clean up PRs and prepare to split the services in the Garage next Thursday.
- **Gheorghe:** Continue working on internal project management artifacts.
The meeting focused on the current status and updates from each attendee. Kevin is working on documentation and fixing website issues, with hopes that Nicholas can handle the next steps for the fiscal show. Hans is working on creating a deployable Linux container on Proxmox. Richard is working on NixOS and addressing the little blue button problem. Robert reported no updates or blockers. Nicholas is cleaning up PRs and planning to split services in the Garage next Thursday. Gheorghe is continuing work on internal project management artifacts.
The meeting concluded with the assignment of action items to ensure progress on the discussed tasks.
meeting-notes/2025-01-13 standup
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meeting-notes/2025-01-13 standup
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Date and Time: 2025-01-13 09:30
Present: Gheorghe, Koen, Björn, Kevin
Absent: Ronny (known), Richard (known), Nicholas (known), Hans (known), Valentin (known), Robert (unknown)
* Kevin
* No blockers
* Forgejo hardware is done, @Nicholas can work on the software side with NixOps (multiple NICs be carefull!).
* Will send Nicolas a message about this
* Gheorghe
* No blockers
* Worked on internal docs
* Nicholas asked to say that he will work on Garage.
* Koen
* Working on EDPS - paperwork & meeting
* PublicSpaces PeerTube server is online
* Need to make sure to get included into the press releases
* More available the upcoming week
* Will work on the hrs spent report this week
* Bjorn
* Did some work on Fediverse campaigns outside Fediversity
* Need to discuss wp-d 2.7 with Koen (analyse fediverse investments)
* Have lots of other obligations this week, but will continue with WP-D-2.7
meeting-notes/2025-01-14 standup
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meeting-notes/2025-01-14 standup
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Date and Time: 2025-01-14 09:30
Present: Gheorghe, Eric, Björn, Kevin, Robert, Richard
Absent: Ronny (known), Nicholas (known), Hans (known), Valentin (known),Koen (unknown)
* Kevin
* No updates
* Had internal meetings
* Not available due to other obligations
* Richard
* No updates
* Had internal meetings
* Not available due to other obligations
* Eric
* No updates
* Robert
* No updates
* Working on NixOps, probably no updates for some time
* Not started with presentation for FOSDEM
* Gheorghe
* Valentin will probably return next week
* Will send info on the man-month hrs (172hrs)
* Hans
* Provision Matrix server perhaps with Docker play book for quickness
* Bjorn
* Still working on other obligations which have a link with Fediversity
* Will continue with Fediverse investments
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meeting-notes/2025-01-15 standup
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Date and Time: 2025-01-15 09:30
Attendees Present: Gheorghe, Hans, Björn, Koen, Robert, Kevin, Richard
Absent: Ronny (known), Nicholas (known), Valentin (known),
* Hans
* No blockers
* Ready to roll out Matrix installs
* Automate building of the machine (create a VM in proxmox)
* Will share the docs with the community
* Has some Q on ZFS & ProxMox. Will ask @Koen & @Kevin
* Robert
* No updates
* No blockers
* Kevin
* No blockers
* No updates
* Moving on Forgejo is back on the menu. Will work on this today
* Koen
* Dansup (Pixelfed/loops) could use some help due to gaining more popularity
* AU 6K -> 30K
* Offered to help build, beneficial for both us & dansup. Only the app, there's a free CDN for the images already in place
* Will need Kevin, Hans, Richard to discuss to set this up on hardware. Helps us to determine costs. First in Debian & then run a NixOps version next to this.
* Need to work on EDPS could use some help from @Gheorghe
* Need to work on the hours overview for tomorrows meeting with NLNet.
* Will meet with Bjorn to prep @16:00. Bjorn will send an invite
* Richard
* Had other obligations yesterday
* No blockers
* Plenty of hardware availabel for pixelfed
* Gheorghe
* No blockers
* Internal docs
* Will help Koen with EDPS
* Bjorn
* Spoke about FoF and how this may impact the Fediverse
* Will work with Koen on preparing meeting tomorrow
meeting-notes/2025-01-16 standup
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meeting-notes/2025-01-16 standup
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
Date and Time: 2025-01-16 09:30
Present: Gheorghe, Björn,Koen, Kevin, Richard, Nicholas, Remy
Absent: Ronny (known), Valentin (known), Hans (known), Robert (known)
* Koen
* Contacted EDPS
* Made quite some progress on reporting
* Got contact with Dansup (pixelfed). Fediversity will support Pixelfed with the influx of new users
* Today meeting with NLNet together with Bjorn about the subgrants
* Join the kickoff of the Dutch Open Source Business Association
* Kevin
* Had to concentrate on the pixelfed support.
* Didn't have time to work on Forgejo migration
* Fediversity Proxmox server node has some issues (node 61)
* Will try to bring it up otherwise it will be replaced. Low prio, plenty of hardware now.
* Gheorghe
* No blockers
* Updated internal docs
* Will have a look at the docs from Koen today
* Nicolas
* Minor blocker: cannot connect to vm02117. @Kevin can you help with this? :
* Maybe Ipv6 vs Ipv4?
* Jump machine
* Splitting Garage & Pixelfed machines. Is a bit harder than expected, but will probably have something by the end of the week.
* Richard
* Working on documenting pixelfed setup
* Remy
* Security Officer
* Supports also with contracts and such
* Works on ISO27001
* Will occassionaly join if needed
* Bjorn
* Showed #makesocialssocialagain campaign from Dutch civil society which will go live today
* Worked on a post for our site & Mastodon account with regards to this campaign. Will publicize this after noon
* Have a meeting today with Koen & NLnet on the subgrant projects
* Will live post DOSBA kickoff for opensourcewerken on Mastodon this afternoon
meeting-notes/2025-01-20 standup
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meeting-notes/2025-01-20 standup
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Date and Time: 2025-01-20 09:30
**Present:** Björn, Koen, Richard, Ronny, Valentin, Robert, Hans
**Absent:** Gheorghe (known), Nicolas(known), Nicolas(known)
* Valentin
* Full ZHF Workshop report is done. Will publish today
* Will catch up with reading today
* Kevin
* Continued on Proxmox cluster Pixelfed, added VM's.
* Will continue on the VM's
* Robert
* No updates
* No blockers
* Ronny
* No updates
* Will look at the datamodel today
* Koen
* Spoke with Michiel NLNet, got interrupted & will continue the conversation today.
* Will assist Kevin with flagship
* Richard
* No blockers
* No updates
* Bjorn
* Would like to discuss a roadmap
* We want to show something to other people
* 9 weeks until 2025-04-01 -- what can we build and demo in that time?
* Valentin & Koen will start sketching out a first version of what to develop. Will deliver it sooner than later, target: Monday 2025-01-27.
* Hans
* No blockers
* Working on Matrix server VM
* Ronny
* Learned that nginx reverse proxy basic auth on NixOS 24.11 is a CPU hog for large pages
* Did some profiling, not sure what's going on.
* Workaround is to turn off basic auth and use the respective application's authentication
meeting-notes/2025-01-21 standup
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meeting-notes/2025-01-21 standup
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
**Date and Time:** 2025-01-21 09:30
**Present:** Björn, Gheorghe, Ronny, Koen, Richard, Kevin
**Absent:** Nicolas(known), Hans (known), Robert(unknown)
* Koen
* Constructive discussion with Hans on the Matrix setup, using Ansible & Docker for now.
* Videoconf in Matrix is based on Element videocall & Jitsi. Older Matrix clients cannot us Element videocall & vice versa. So we need to make a choice & explain which clients to use related which videoconf backend. Something to keep in mind and to communicate.
* Element the company is focussing on very large installs with their own Element Pro server (closed-source)
* Support on Matrix is probably left to us for small Matrix instances since Element has the focus on Enterprise.
* So we need to gather more info on the usage of Matrix so that we can offer proper support.
* Will pair Hans to finish up the last parts
* Will share MyProtagio docs with Ronny, could be helpful for the data model.
* Would like to discuss the proposed roadmap with Valentin.
* With regards to the prototype: a form should be sent to a person that has the right protocols to follow, but it should not lead to a decision process.
* Kevin
* Continued a bit with the pixelfed server (loadbalancer) yesterday & will work on this today as well
* Richard
* Worked on other projects yesterday
* Ronny
* Had a chat with Valentin on the roadmap
* Wondering about SSH keys; do we want to allow people access to machines? To be discussed.
* Looking forward to myProtagio
* Gheorghe
* Had too many other obligations so could not join this standup yesterday.
* Will have a chat with Ronny today
* No blockers
* Bjorn
* Is not available on Wednesday
* Will take Thursday off after roadmap meeting
* Mostly worked on other obligations
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
**Date:** 2025-01-22
**Present:** Gheorghe, Eric, Hans, Kevin, Richard, Robert, Valentin
**Not present:** Bjorn (announced), Nicolas (announced), Ronny (announced)
* Richard
* no blockers, no updates
* Robert
* no updates, no blockers
* Valentin
* waiting for feedback on the demo roadmap proposal (not public yet)
* Eric
* no updates, no blockers
* will not be attending Fosdem
* Kevin
* building pixelfed loadbalancers
* will work on getting Daniel access to webnodes
* will work on mysql replication
* Hans
* no blockers
* hopes to hook up matrix stuff to proxmox
* Gheorghe
* no blockers
* working on internall stuff
* Koen
* Talked with a new engineer yesterday, soon to join the project
* Still have to give Ronny access to myprotagio repo for deriving a data model
* Valentin can help with the data modeling
* Planning to organise a sysadmin hackathon (the equivalent of OceanSprint but in Northern Europe) late spring
meeting-notes/2025-01-23 standup
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meeting-notes/2025-01-23 standup
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
**Date and Time:** 2025-01-23 09:30
**Present:** Björn, Gheorghe, Nicolas, Valentin, Eric, Hans, Robert, Kevin, Richard, Ronny, Koen
**Absent:** none
* Eric
* No blockers
* Looks forward to roadmap
* Valentin
* Got some feedback from Koen
* Published the roadmap proposal in a PR:
* Bjorn please add link to the website:
* Would also be good to link the code from the website!
* Will try to debug the VPN access to be able to help iterating on the deployment workflow
* Hans
* Made progress on provisioning a server automagically
* Will hopefully finish today
* Gheorghe
* No blockers
* Worked on internal reports
* Nicolas
* No blockers
* Looking forward to the roadmap discussion
* Will test splitting instances on Proxmox
* Robert
* merged PR:
* This breaks NixOps and NixOS integration so keep on the current version, due to a minor rename
* Kevin
* Continued with PixelFed server
* Granted D access to this
* Richard
* No blockers
* No updates
* Will have some time for Fediversity tomorrow
* Ronny
* No blockers
* Will reserve time for the data model
* Bjorn
* Koen will add notes to repo
* Had other obligations no work done on Fediversity
* Will send out reminder to project partners
* Koen
* Had a chat with Valentin on the roadmap sketch
* Had other meetings
meeting-notes/2025-01-24 standup
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meeting-notes/2025-01-24 standup
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
**Date and Time:** 2025-01-24 09:30
**Present:** Björn, Hans, Richard, Kevin, Ronny, Robert, Valentin
**Absent:** Koen (known), Nicolas (unknown),Gheorghe(unknown)
* Richard
* No blockers
* No updates
* Kevin
* Worked a bit on Pixelfed infra
* Shared info with Dan
* MySQL is next.
* Need some help from Richard with Nagios
* Ronny
* Good meeting yesterday
* No updates & no blockers
* Hans
* No blockers
* Had other obligations yesterday
* Will finish up the setting Matrix deployment
* Robert
* No updates
* Valentin
* Wrote updates to the roadmap PR
* Will work on task breakdown with Nicolas
* Meeting with Ronny & Bjorn needs to be planned
* Bjorn
* Did some work on the outreach, see links in our Matrix channel
* Worked a bit on the website navigation to make it easier on smaller screens & added link to our repo
* Today we have the project partners meeting & rest of the day not working on Fediversity
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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# Target: Demo at Fediforum online conference 2025-04-01
This is a result of the [team discussion on 2025-01-23](
# Goal
Demo the key aspects of Fediversity:
1. One-click deployment of Fediverse services
2. (stretch goal) One-click portability between hosting providers
The point of the demo is to communicate:
- That the project extists, what it is about, how it's special, and that it's progressing towards its goals
- That this is the infrastructure you can use to provide a micro-cloud to end users
- The ultimate goal is infrastructure portability
- That we care about technological and economic sustainability
- For organisations that want to participate in the Fediverse, we may be a good partner
Target audiences:
- Peers, potential clients, policymakers
- Hosting providers, organisations with sysadmins
# Assumptions
- There are ~47 (~9weeks) workdays between 27-01-2025 and 01-04-2025.
- Demo users will use the Fediversity infrastructure.
There are a few things we have to hard-code for now, so the backend setup won't be easily adopted by others, and this isn't the goal for the demo.
Eventually we'll also need to describe the infrastructure one needs to run the whole thing.
- At this point it's not clear if we'll manage to enable service portability.
Services ready to run on top of Garage: PeerTube, Mastodon, Pixelfed.
Making them portable is fairly involved though.
[Galene]( doesn't have any state and only needs configuration files to be ported over.
But it doesn't have a NixOS service yet.
Likely we we'll only need the Nix expression once we have it.
# User story 1: Deployment
- Log in with NixPanel
- Configure a DNS domain and select services to deploy
- Observe a progress indicator
- (optional) Get a notification when the process finishes
- Check that the services are accessible under the configured domain
# User story 2: Migration
- Log in on a different instance of NixPanel
- Create a migration token (e.g. callback URL)
- Paste the token in the first instance and start migration
- Observe a progress indicator
- (optional) Get a notification when the process finishes
- Check that the services run on the new instance
# Roadmap
* Set up a Django [CRM]( service ([as discussed 2024-11-06](./
* Trigger NixOps4 on form submission:
* Requires a provider for the NixPanel to store deployment state and send progress updates
* Requires a Passbolt provider for dynamic secrets ([as discussed regarding secrets handling 2024-12-10](meeting-notes/
* First step: assume a fixed provisioned setup
* For (optional) migratio: VM provisioning will be handled via Ansible for now:
* A NixOps4 Terraform provider is currently planned but will not be ready in time
* Rebrand MyProtagio to Fediversity
* Remove the intermediate registrar and register DNS domains ourselves
* Demo users will register an actual domain (and a bulk service package) using a voucher token
# Next steps
* Define:
* Detailed scope
Which components need which capabilities to fulfill the user stories?
- We need a Passbolt provider for NixOps4
- We need a CRM to be set up and running, ready for triggering deployments
* Specific division of labor
Who exactly is responsible for which compononents?
Which time capcities are available for each contributor?
- Tweag: Valentin will do the data modeling, Nicolas will wire up deployment-related Nix code
- Procolix: Hans will help integrate the existing Ansible script to spin up VMs on demand
- Robert will develop a provider for NixOps4 to interact with the CRM
* Milestones (scheduled delivery of capabilities)
What are the component capabilities we can test together?
When can we provide these aggregate capabilities?
- Week 1: Spin up the CRM and configure a rudimentary data model
- Week 2: Let a fixed CRM user trigger NixOps to deploy a fixed config to a fixed existing VM
- Week 3: Configure SSH keys in the CRM, deploy to a fixed VM a NixOS config accessible with these keys
- ...
* Issues (granular tasks)
What exactly needs to be done to reach the milestones?
- Deploy CRM
- Add UI for selecting a service
- ...
meeting-notes/2025-01-27 standup
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meeting-notes/2025-01-27 standup
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
**Date and Time:** 2025-01-27 09:30
**Present:** Björn, Hans, Gheorghe, Kevin, Richard, Ronny
**Absent:** Koen(unknown), Valentin(unknown), Nicolas(known), Robert(known)
* Hans
* No blockers
* Still working on Matrix deployment
* Gheorghe
* No blockers
* Internal project management
* Might want to have a chat about how to deal with test/beta with Ronny
* Ronny
* Rest of the week busy with Brussel (FOSDEM)
* Not available Wed - Fr
* No blockers
* Kevin
* Blocked on Pixelfed. Needs @Koen for caching / log server info.
* In the mean time will have a look at the Linstor
* Richard
* Working on getting proxmox on NixOS.
* Bjorn
* Will not be available on Friday 2025-01-31 and Monday 2025-02-03 due to FOSDEM
* Will work on creating a Fediversity presentation part of the mediapackage workpackage.
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# Roadmap planning session
**Present:** Björn, Valentin, Koen
## Agenda
1. ~~Divide the work in 4 deliverables~~
2. Attach the right people to the right task
## Divsion of labor
Based on the 
_Nixpanel / Nixpanel API_
* Thijs -
* UI designer can build great UI's. Koen will ask him for a UI person for the coming 2 months. To help us develop the NixPanel UI. If this works Koen will ask them to continue working with us.
* Lois (development)
* will work on the NixPanel development side of things (Python/Django)
* Kiara (Nix/Python)
* will work on interface between Nix and NixPanel
* Valentin (Nix/Python consulting)
_Identity Management / Central services_
* Hans (Auth, DNS, Email)
* will work on the 'where are credentials stored' and how does this interface with python/NixPanel API.
* the DNS server infra
* the e-mail infra
* Juerd?
_Orchestrator (new name: Gardener tbc)_
* Robert
* NixOps core development
_Central Database_
First determine the rough overview in a smaller group. Adjust the group accordingly after this.
* Ronny
* supporting us with data model
* Eric
* supporting us with data model)
* Koen
* product owner
* Valentin
* intermediate between NixOps - Central Database and the wiring between the 'Orchestrator' and the NixOS VM's
_'Wiring between Orchestrator -> NixOS VMs'_
* Nicholas
* making services available as NixOS packages
* Kevin
* Hardware/VMs/Storage support
* Valentin
* intermediate between NixOps - Central Database and the wiring between the 'Orchestrator' and the NixOS VM's
* Richard
* Offering support & knowledge on hardware, virtualisation and storage
* Kevin
* Offering support & knowledge on hardware, virtualisation and storage
* Koen
* will take care of management and is overall productowner.
* Bjorn
* will 'grease the machine' and support the team
## Actions
@Bjorn: make sure people have access to Forgejo.
@Bjorn: divide Epic1 ('Phase 1) into user stories and create issues, add them to the right names and milestones (label: user story). Then refine with the team
### References:
* Roadmap/planning internal
* Forgejo milestones:
* MVP Roadmap:
* Architecture:
meeting-notes/2025-01-28 standup
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meeting-notes/2025-01-28 standup
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
**Date and Time:** 2025-01-28 09:30
**Present:** Björn, Hans, Richard, Gheorghe, Koen, Ronny, Lois, Eric, Robert Valentin
**Absent:** Nicolas (known)
* Lois
* newly started on this project (Django)
* Kevin
* Continued on the Pixelfed instance
* Unblocked by Koen on (logging & cache)
* Will work on this today as well.
* Eric
* No blockers
* Will reach out to the devs after Fosdem for the data model
* Ronny
* Updated Eric on what we would like him to do
* Will work on the architecture & data model after fosdem
* Asked a DPIA during a council meeting for 15+ schools. Might be that there is no Safe-Harbour Act anymore after 38 days ( This could have a positive impact on our project as well.
* Robert
* Might want to divde the nixops integration with nixos into a seperate repo.
* Hans
* No updates
* No blockers
* Other obligations
* Gheorghe
* No blockers
* some delays internally. Meeting after Fosdem
* We are working on the beta deliverable (spiral timeline vs waterfall)
* Koen
* Signed contract with new dev (Kiara)
* (Thijs) is on-board and wants to help us with UI.
* Need to discuss if Slick wants to work as sub-contractor or as a partner with Nordunet/Moduscreate/OID
* Lois has joined us!
* Procolix will become the Nextcloud platinium partner in the Benelux
* Planning to go live with Pixelfed on Thursday (before Fosdem)
* Will work today on Linstore which broke. Lessons are learned
* Podcast creator is working on Fediverse, opensource, steward ownership companies. Will talk with him all Wednesday afternoon.
* Richard
* No blockers
* No updates
* Valentin
* Meeting yesterday
* Will spin up a Django service on NixOS.
* Bjorn
* Had a great meeting yesterday in which we were able to put names on certain aspects of the architecture.
* Will add notes for this meeting to the repo asap
* Continue working on Fediversity presentation
* Less available today due to other obligations.
meeting-notes/2025-01-29 standup
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meeting-notes/2025-01-29 standup
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
**Date and Time:** 2025-01-29 09:30
**Present:** Björn, Hans, Eric, Richard, Kevin, Richard, Robert
**Absent:** Nicolas (known), Ronny(known), Lois (known), Valentin (known), Koen(known)
* Hans
* Other obligations than Fediversity
* Wll continue working on automatic provisioning Matrix
* Hans: Valentin will explain nixos deployment, looking forward to it
* Eric
* No plans for Fediversity
* Will reach out devs after Fosdem
* Gheorghe
* No blockers
* internal project management
* Richard
* No blockers
* Will be at the data center this afternoon, not reachable
* Kevin
* Yesterday: worked on fixing the linstore. Continue to document on how we fixed this & we will setup a test environment to get more insights on Linstore
* Robert
* Working on the seperate nixops4-nixos repo. Moving stuff around ahead of FOSDEM
* Fosdem presentation, will re-use the Zurich presentation with some tweaks.
* Bjorn
* Sent an email to Fediform (1-2 April) with our proposal for a demo and presentation
* Finalised the notes of the roadmap session
* Private obligations
* Continue on a presentation Nordunet can use to explain Fediversity to their stakeholders so they might join us for a beta. We can re-use this "Fediversity basics' presentation for other events such as Fediforum etc as well
* Preparing for FOSDEM
* Q: Do we want to send in a Lghtning talk proposal for Geant TNC conference 9-13 June 2025? The Call for Proposals for Lightning Talks, Bofs, Demos and the Community Hub will open 5 February 2025.
Add table
Reference in a new issue