let grants = import ./grants.nix; fediversity = import ./fediversity.nix; nordunet = import ./nordunet.nix; oid = import ./oid.nix; nlnet = import ./nlnet.nix; tweag = import ./tweag.nix; in { title = "Fediversity"; description = "NGI Zero Fediversity"; outPath = "index.html"; body = '' # Welcome to the Fediversity project ${fediversity.summary} [Learn more about Fediversity](./${fediversity}) # Fediversity grants ${grants.summary} [Learn more about our grants](./${grants}) # Consortium The Consortium behind the Fediversity project is a cooperation between NLnet, Open Internet Discourse Foundation, NORDUnet and Tweag. ${toString (map (partner: '' ## ${partner.title} ${partner.description} [Read more about ${partner.title}](./${partner}) '') [ nlnet oid tweag nordunet ])} ''; }