{ config, options, lib, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkOption types ; templates = import ./templates.nix { inherit lib; }; in { options.templates = let # arbitrarily nested attribute set where the leaves are of type `type` # NOTE: due to how `either` works, the first match is significant, # so if `type` happens to be an attrset, the typecheck will consider # `type`, not `attrsOf` recursiveAttrs = type: with types; attrsOf (either type (recursiveAttrs type)); in mkOption { description = '' Collection of named functions to convert document contents to a string representation Each template function takes the complete site `config` and the document's data structure. ''; type = recursiveAttrs (with types; functionTo (functionTo str)); }; config.templates.html = let commonmark = name: markdown: pkgs.runCommand "${name}.html" { buildInputs = [ pkgs.cmark ]; } '' cmark ${builtins.toFile "${name}.md" markdown} > $out ''; in { page = lib.mkDefault (config: page: templates.html { head = '' ${page.title} ''; body = '' ${templates.nav { menu = { menu = config.menus.main; }; }} ${builtins.readFile (commonmark page.name page.body)} ''; }); article = lib.mkDefault (config: page: templates.html { head = '' ${page.title} ${with lib; join "\n" (map (author: '''') (if isList page.author then page.author else [page.author])) } ''; body = '' ${templates.nav { menu = { menu = config.menus.main; }; }} ${builtins.readFile (commonmark page.name page.body)} ''; }); }; options.files = mkOption { description = '' Files that make up the site, mapping from output path to contents By default, all elements in `option`{pages} are converted to files using their template or the default template. Add more files to the output by assigning to this attribute set. ''; type = with types; attrsOf path; }; config.files = # TODO: create static redirects from `tail page.locations` let pages = lib.attrValues config.pages; collections = with lib; concatMap (collection: collection.entry) (attrValues config.collections); collections' = with lib; map ( entry: recursiveUpdate entry { locations = map (l: "${entry.collection.name}/${l}") entry.locations; } ) collections; in with lib; foldl (acc: elem: acc // { "${head elem.locations}" = builtins.toFile "${elem.name}.html" elem.outputs.html; }) { } (pages ++ collections'); options.build = mkOption { description = '' The final output of the web site ''; type = types.package; default = let script = '' mkdir $out '' + lib.join "\n" copy; copy = lib.mapAttrsToList ( path: file: '' mkdir -p $out/$(dirname ${path}) cp -r ${file} $out/${path} '' ) config.files; in pkgs.runCommand "source" { } script; }; }