**Date:** 2025-01-22
**Present:** Gheorghe, Eric, Hans, Kevin, Richard, Robert, Valentin
**Not present:** Bjorn (announced), Nicolas (announced), Ronny (announced)​

	* Richard
		* no blockers, no updates
	* Robert
		* no updates, no blockers
	* Valentin
		* waiting for feedback on the demo roadmap proposal (not public yet)
	* Eric
		* no updates, no blockers
		* will not be attending Fosdem
	* Kevin
		* building pixelfed loadbalancers
		* will work on getting Daniel access to webnodes
		* will work on mysql replication
	* Hans
		* no blockers
		* hopes to hook up matrix stuff to proxmox
	* Gheorghe
		* no blockers
		* working on internall stuff
	* Koen
		* Talked with a new engineer yesterday, soon to join the project
		* Still have to give Ronny access to myprotagio repo for deriving a data model
			* Valentin can help with the data modeling
		* Planning to organise a sysadmin hackathon (the equivalent of OceanSprint but in Northern Europe) late spring