​**Standup:** 2025-02-19 @09:30

**Present:** Bjorn, Kiara, Koen, Eric, Kevin, Gheorghe, Lois, Ronny, Nicolas, Valentin, Robert  
**Absent:** Hans (known)  

* Kiara
	* Yesterday: paired on panel, worked on panel deployment
	* Today: will continue on panel deployment
* Gheorghe
	* No blockers;
	* Yesterday: Epics, User Stories, internal specific PM activities;
	* Today: Epics, User Stories, internal specific PM activities;
* Eric
	* no blockers
	* no fediversity work planned today
	* available
* Koen
	* planning: presentation meeting
* Bjorn
	* Yesterday: finished presentation
	* Today: discuss the presentation with Koen & Ronny
	* Planned: reading docs & issues 
* Kevin
	* Worked with Loïs, Kiara and Valentin on the django fedipanel for the first mvp
	* this morning I have some other stuff today i believe we're gonna continue working on the django this afternoon
* Lois
	* Paired with Kevin, Valentin and Kiara to work on the first user story.
	* Planned to meet in the afternoon to continue working on the fedipanel.
* Valentin 
	* Pair-programming on 1st user-story
		* User story is done, closing ticket is blocked on deployment of the app
		* Will add a test; to show how tests are written
	* Will continue reviewing the backend user stories for Nicolas after that
* Ronny
	* Had a chat with Eric about progress
	* No blockers
* Robert
	* No updates
	* Will be working on NixOps4
* Nicholas
	* No blockers
	* Bit confused about the VM's in Proxmox.  
	* Would like to know which VM's & IP addresses can be used freely without destroying other people's work