**Standup** 2025-02-20 @09:30  
**Present:** Gheorghe, Valentin, Björn, Ronny, Kiara, Nicholas, Eric, Koen, Lois    
**Absent:** Robert (excused)  

* Gheorghe:
	* No blockers;
	* Yesterday: Worked on the Epics, User Stories, Tasks and Sub-Tasks, estimations for the first MVP (Prototype), Internal project management tasks
	* Today: Will work on the Epics, User Stories, Tasks and Sub-Tasks, estimations for the first MVP (Prototype), Internal project management tasks
* Eric:
	* no blockers
	* available
* Kiara
	* no blockers
	* Yesterday: paired on panel data persistence with Kevin/Lois + discussed deployment with Nicolas
	* Today: will continue on both
* Valentin:
	* Finished the test for the first user story
	* Refined Tweag's user stories for the MVP with Nicolas
	* Side channel architectural discussions with Kiara
	* Reviewed new code by Lois and Kevin
	* Will continue refining user stories with Nicolas after the standup
* Bjorn
	* Yesterday: no fediversity
	* Today: discuss presentation with Koen & Ronny
	* Next week: availability limited (added to wiki): only Monday. 
* Kevin
	* worked with Loïs and kiara on the first user story 
* Koen
	* no updates, will talk about Fediversity at the AngryNerds podcast this evening.
* Lois
	* Worked with Kevin and Kiara on the first user story
* Ronny
	* The best ice-breaker for the meeting! Thank you, Ronny!
* Nicholas
	* Block-ish: would like to send out an email for testing.
		* Kevin will help out with an email address
	* Will meet with Kiara & Valentin again
	* Need to clean out WIP branches a bit