**Date and Time:** 2025-01-29 09:30
**Present:** Björn, Hans, Eric, Richard, Kevin, Richard, Robert  
**Absent:** Nicolas (known), Ronny(known),  Lois (known), Valentin (known), Koen(known)  

* Hans
	* Other obligations than Fediversity
	* Wll continue working on automatic provisioning Matrix
	* Hans: Valentin will explain nixos deployment,  looking forward to it
* Eric
	* No plans for Fediversity 
	* Will reach out devs after Fosdem
* Gheorghe
	* No blockers
	* internal project management 
* Richard
	* No blockers 
	* Will be at the data center this afternoon, not reachable
* Kevin 
	* Yesterday: worked on fixing the linstore. Continue to document on how we fixed this & we will setup a test environment to get more insights on Linstore
* Robert
	* Working  on the seperate nixops4-nixos repo. Moving stuff around ahead of FOSDEM 
	* Fosdem presentation, will re-use the Zurich presentation with some tweaks.  
* Bjorn 
	* Sent an email to Fediform (1-2 April) with our proposal for a demo and presentation
	* Finalised the notes of the roadmap session 
	* Private obligations
	* Continue on a presentation Nordunet can use to explain Fediversity to their stakeholders so they might join us for a beta. We can re-use this "Fediversity basics' presentation for other events such as Fediforum etc as well 
	* Preparing for FOSDEM 
	* Q: Do we want to send in a Lghtning talk proposal for Geant TNC conference 9-13 June 2025? The Call for Proposals for Lightning Talks, Bofs, Demos and the Community Hub will open 5 February 2025.