**Date**: 25.02.2025 **Time**: 10.25 EET **Absents:** Bjorn(excused) **Presents:** Gheorghe, Ronny, Eric, Kiara, Lois, Nicolas, Robert, Koen, Kevin, Valentin **Project status:** • Gheorghe: o No blockers; o Yesterday: Internal PM activities; o Today: Moderate the DSU and internal PM activities; • Eric o No blockers o No updates • Kiara o Yesterday, I worked on stories, panel deployment o Today, continuing on panel deployment • Ronny o Discussion with Bjorn about Kanban board usage o No blockers • Kevin o I didn´t do much for the FeDiversity yesterday besides the demo and sprint planning meeting o will continue working on the panel today with Loïs and Kiara • Koen o No blockers o Aiming to have Slik ready to start work on design and UX this week (for the MVP) • Lois o No updates o will continue working on the panel today with Kevin and Kiara today • Nicolas o finalized consolidating `deployment/` into `infra/` directory, with machine definitions now containing their hardware part as well (ready to migrate to a NixOps4 Proxmox provider when there is one) o will work today on creating a full deployment from a simple one-or-two-field JSON file o if I have more time, I will work on e-mail support. was unblocked by Kevin, but I haven't made use of that yet • Robert o No updates • Valentin o No updates