**Date and Time:** 2025-02-10 09:30 **Attendees** **Present:** Björn, Hans, Kevin, Kiara, Koen, Richard, Ronny, Gheorghe **Absent:** Valentin (known), Robert(known), Lois (known) Roadmap https://wiki.fediversity.eu/wiki/Roadmap Question: Demo deliverable 1? https://git.fediversity.eu/Fediversity/Fediversity/milestone/42 Question: Deliverable 2 Deadline: Friday 21 Feb Demo: Monday 24 Feb * Kiara * Had a meeting with Eric on the data model * Writing an article on flakes * Limesurvery testing * Richard * No blockers * Open for new tasks * Hans * No blockers * Matrix playbook is almost ready * Kevin * Will mostly work on Procolix stuff * Not available today * Ronny * Would like to work on the MVP with Björn * Gheorghe * No blockers * Will work on internal artefacts * Will share a new approach in a day or 3 towards this project * Koen * Worked on PeerTube server * No blockers * Will work on other project today * Tomorrow is the presentation by students working on a project 'how to promote' loops. Will take Lois & Daphne to participate * We're missing people this morning at the latest moment, which is a bit worrying giving the schedule. * Bjorn: * Team, please pair with Valentin to align on how to realize our MVP in time.