**​Date and Time:** 2025-01-30 09:30 

**Present:** Björn, Gheorghe, Ronny, Nicolas, Kevin, Koen, Richard,Eric, Robert  
**Absent:** Valentin(known), Lois(known), Hans(known)
* Nicolas
	* No blockers 
	* Promox works perfectly again
	* Needs some help from Kevin for the CI/CD machine
	* Will work on cleanup PR & update pixelfed

* Eric 
	* Available 

* Kevin
	* Not much done on Fediversity. 
	* A bit under the weather 
	* Will work with Nicolas for the CI/CD machine
	* Did some work on Pixelfed caching, contiune today
* Ronny
	* No blockers
	* No updates
* Koen
	* Procolix has some good news in relation to Nextcloud (Wednesday more details will be released)
	* Want to release the press release for Pixelfed today
	* Tomorrow Procolix will release a 'sovereign' IT package with services like Mastodon, Pixelfed, Nextcloud. 
	* Students will share their work on how to promote Loops on Feb 11th. 
	* When Loops is released as opensource we will release another instance that federates with the other instance. 
	* Maybe add more Fediverse services to offer as flagships. Need to check with planning/budget. 
	* Made contact with Nextcloud & talked about their open, local-first AI model. There might be possibilities there. 
	* Spoke with a podcast creator who is working on a podcast on OpenSource, hackers etc.
* Robert
	* nixops4-nixos repo is almost ready (instead of the prev branch) 
	* Will leave for Fosdem tomorrow 
	* No blockers 
	* Will go to cfgmgtcamp after Fosdem.
* Richard 
	* Had a day at the datacenter 
	* No updates 
	* No blockers 
* Gheorghe
	* No blockers 
	* internel project management
* Bjorn
    * worked on the press release for pixelfed flagship 
    * other obligations
    * today: work a bit on Fediverse 101 presentation
    * Will not attending standup tomorrow due Fosdem traveling