# ​Roadmap planning session

**Present:** Björn, Valentin, Koen  

## Agenda
1. ~~Divide the work in 4 deliverables~~   
2. Attach the right people to the right task  

## Divsion of labor 
Based on the ![architecture components](https://git.fediversity.eu/Fediversity/meta/src/branch/main/architecture-docs/architecture.png) 

_Nixpanel / Nixpanel API_
* Thijs - slick.nl 
    * UI designer can build great UI's. Koen will ask him for a UI person for the coming 2 months. To help us develop the NixPanel UI. If this works Koen will ask them to continue working with us.
* Lois (development) 
	* will work on the NixPanel development side of things (Python/Django) 
* Kiara (Nix/Python) 
	* will work on interface between Nix and NixPanel
* Valentin (Nix/Python consulting)

_Identity Management / Central services_
* Hans (Auth, DNS, Email)
	* will work on the 'where are credentials stored' and how does this interface with python/NixPanel API.
	* the DNS server infra
    * the e-mail infra
* Juerd? 

_Orchestrator (new name: Gardener tbc)_
* Robert 
    * NixOps core development 

_Central Database_ 
First determine the rough overview in a smaller group. Adjust the group accordingly after this.  
* Ronny 
    * supporting us with data model
* Eric 
    * supporting us with data model)
* Koen 
    * product owner
* Valentin 
    * intermediate between NixOps - Central Database and the wiring between the 'Orchestrator' and the NixOS VM's   

_'Wiring between Orchestrator -> NixOS VMs'_
* Nicholas 
    * making services available as NixOS packages 
* Kevin
    * Hardware/VMs/Storage support 
* Valentin 
    * intermediate between NixOps - Central Database and the wiring between the 'Orchestrator' and the NixOS VM's   

* Richard 
    * Offering support & knowledge on hardware, virtualisation and storage 
* Kevin
    * Offering support & knowledge on hardware, virtualisation and storage 

* Koen 
    * will take care of management and is overall productowner.   
* Bjorn
    * will 'grease the machine' and support the team

## Actions 
@Bjorn: make sure people have access to Forgejo.     
@Bjorn: divide Epic1 ('Phase 1) into user stories and create issues, add them to the right names and milestones (label: user story).  Then refine with the team   

### References:
* Roadmap/planning internal  
    * Forgejo milestones: 
	* MVP Roadmap: 
	* Architecture: 