Attendees: Koen, Gheorghe, Kevin, Kiara, Ronny, Richard, Hans
Not attending: Bjorn (announced), Robert (cfgmgtcamp)

* Valentin:
	* 'running through deployment' on friday
		* took 2-3 hours but was successful
		* wrote down a bunch of issues to make it smoother
	* descision to repeat the process weekly
	* made me think how ambitious we can be with the demo scope given the number of prerequisites
	* question to ProcoliX: 'how would you approach the problem from scratch?'
		* would you rather use a NixOS VM, container, or install Nix in your regular environment?
* Kevin:
	* did 'deployment on friday'
	* still working on redis stuff
* Ronny
	* packed FOSDEM weekend
	* great meeting with Guido (SUnet) - details in planning meeting
	* propose to come to Dordrecht with Hans Dieter (Phd. in formal methods) has worked at AWS, may be able to share insights
	* at OpenForum policy summit, talked to CEO of BigBlueButton about making BBB available for NixOS (maybe via Summer of Nix)
* Richard
	* Waiting for Kevin to need help.
	* No blockers, no updates
* Kiara
	* Been to FOSDEM
	* Officially first day
* Gheorghe
	* No blockers
	* worked on internal project management
* Hans
	* unfortunately did not go to FOSDEM
	* will work on auto-provisioning
* Koen
	* talked with Italian person in Luxembourgh about BBB, he seemed open to our stack
	* Mauro @ Stalwart claimed they have only open-source code, tho their website mentions some integrations with business applications
	* presentation by Robert was well-received by the Nix-y audience it targeted
	* Andy seemed open to CFP for NLUUG 2025-05-22, would be nice if Valentin could do a talk on NixOS documentation but is unavailable due to the Zurich conference
* Robert
	* at cfg mgmt camp Ghent