Compare commits
20 commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
ronny | 3e6b4b20c6 | ||
BjornW | b46b73a131 | ||
49c9928376 | |||
gheorghe | 48237e1863 | ||
Robert Hensing | b9421f7339 | ||
f7d77a526b | |||
Valentin Gagarin | 2aa5522cf4 | ||
672b46aa86 | |||
35a490e15b | |||
BjornW | 7ecf2e77c4 | ||
Kevin Muller | ef444e7e20 | ||
2435d80e6a | |||
BjornW | e86f00c834 | ||
BjornW | f188beee42 | ||
Valentin Gagarin | 9eb718caf1 | ||
Valentin Gagarin | edca9e4a44 | ||
BjornW | 686e0ccdf6 | ||
BjornW | fba7e97676 | ||
8ed7a24e79 | |||
8c8c7d09a9 |
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
Attendees: Gheorghe, Richard, Valentin, Ronny, Nicolas, Björn
Not attending: Koen & Robert (travelling), Kevin (day off)
* Bjorn set up some data structures in the internal Wiki
* Valentin:
* Met Eli from Thymis & Johannes from Clan. Discussed the three system architectures with them.
* NixOps took some time for them to make it click. Now I know a bit better what we can learn from them, and if and on what we can collaborate. Overlap might be rather small with those projects.
* We need to think about how to convey the power of NixOps in such a way that people understand this properly -- it's at a very high level of abstraction (essentially an IO monad for the Nix language), while people typically think in terms of their concrete use cases.
* That gap requires some storytelling and didactic techniques to bridge.
* Will work on a report & publish it on the website to communicate
* Valentin & Bjorn will have a chat tomorrow after standup
* Gheorghe:
* Shared the UML info last Friday
* Will work on the financials & get the numbers
* Diagram code wants to add a PR
* Update the numbers
* Nicolas:
* Wiki e-mail: we need to have a secrets management solution.
* No test for PeerTube yet. So I started working on it. Probably finished today
* Ronny:
* Will have a look at Gheorghe's PR.
* Richard:
* Will ask Kevin about his work & check if I can help out
* Looking for stuff to work on
* Nicholas opened up the wiki registration so each team member can create their own account today.
* Nicholas: Make Forgejo send out notifications (Nicholas will do this).
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
### Meeting Minutes
**Date:** 2014-12-12
**Time:** 9:30
**Attendees:** Eric, Ronny, Gheorghe
#### Discussion Points:
1. **Testing Environment:**
- **Eric:** Nicolas is working on the tests. The goal is to make it easy for developers to run an environment on their laptops that closely resembles the test CI. There is no time pressure on this task.
- **Ronny:** The tests can run locally or remotely, which is a significant advantage. The configuration is defined in the next setup.
2. **Earned Value Management:**
- **Gheorghe:** Currently identifying earned value management attributes to evaluate the value gained for the hours spent on deliverables. This task will continue today.
3. **Data Management Plan:**
- **Ronny:** No blockers reported. Worked on the data management plan and aims to finish it by today or tomorrow.
4. **FeDiversity Tasks:**
- **Eric:** No plans to work on FeDiversity items today. Will discuss testing with Nicolas if they meet.
#### Action Items:
- **Eric:**
- Follow up with Nicolas about the testing environment.
- Ping Nicolas to discuss testing.
- **Gheorghe:**
- Continue working on identifying earned value management attributes.
- **Ronny:**
- Complete the data management plan by tomorrow.
#### Summary:
The meeting focused on the progress of various tasks, including the development of a testing environment, earned value management, and the data management plan. No blockers were reported by any team members. Action items were assigned to ensure the continuation and completion of these tasks. The meeting concluded with a note of appreciation and well-wishes for the team.
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