- Writing down the technical specifications of Fediversity
- photo of drawings result in Matrix channel (will upload on git)
- Eric is a sysadmin who understands the pain of early choices that cannot be changed later once software is in production
- Looking for people who do large-scale Nix deployments
- Eric agrees that how Nix uses 'unstable' branch without having a clear 'stable' branch is a problem
- Nix is very much framed by the needs of programmers, less so of those of sysadmins
- Missing a 'Debian-Stable' style branch
- We've so far focused on low-level technical basis, but not a visible end-user product yet. Eric sees so no major blockers so far to get there
- Eric understands that these fundamental design decisions take time, and that we're on track with our current work.
- We need to formalise our design decisions more so they can be communicated to the rest of the community
- Service portability: on a high level this is clear how this work with S3. This should be tested early on in the process, as the migration process is the most difficult part of our design