meta/meeting-notes/2025-02-13 standup

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2025-02-14 09:13:42 +01:00
**Standup 2025-02-13 @09:30**
**Present:** Eric, Valentin, Gheorghe, Kevin, Lois, Nicholas, Ronny, Hans, Kiara
Absent: Koen (known), Bjorn (known)
* Ronny
* Good meeting yesterday about the MVP
* Valentin
* Participated in MVP planning yesterday
* Added a glossary, Nicolas reviewed
* Pushed a Django on NixOS setup (800 LOC as promised) so we can start with reproducibility quickly
* Georghe
* No blockers
* Yesterday: At Tweag, a Modus Create company, I performed specific internal project management activities.
* Today At Tweag, a Modus Create company, I performed specific internal project management activities.
* Eric
* No blockers
* MVP meeting yesterday and todaygit
* no other fediversity work planned for today
* Kiara
* Yesterday talked to @roberth about todo, worked on the data model
* Today will continue on data model, talk to @niols about todo
* Kevin
* No blockers
* helped nicolas with troubleshooting the ci machine its working now may needs some tweaking to make it faster
* so probaly be working tuning the ci machine
* Lois
* No blockers
* Had a meeting about the upcoming MVP
* Nicolas
* No blockers
* Got a configuration working for the test CI machine - successfully ran a CI run, about twice faster as with the previous CI machine (a tweaked VM)
* Documentation of services - will open a PR today.
* Robert
* Discussed NixOps related work with Kiara