meta/meeting-notes/2025-02-06 standup

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**Date and Time:** 2025-02-06 09:30
**Present:** Björn, Gheorghe, Kevin, Kiara, Richard,Eric, Lois, Koen, Hans, Nicolas, Robert
**Absent:** Valentin(known)
* Hans
* No updates
* Almost done with the Playbook
* Hopes to present something tomorrow
* Kevin
* Re-installed NixOS on the physical CI/CD machine.
* CI/CD: Connection issues according to Nicolas. Will look into it
* Gheorghe
* No blockers
* Intern meetings, new structure
* Will tell more about our project at ModusCreate
* Eric
* Started on the data model
* Would like to have a chat with Kiara. Will schedule via Matrix
* Bjorn
* worked on Geant proposal; will finish today
* Received feedback on Fediversity 101 presentation; will apply this today
* Lois
* Met with V + Kiara
* Worked on Nix
* No blockers
* Will work on Ansible with Hans
* Not available on Friday and Monday
* Koen
* Spoke with the people from Hogeschool Rotterdam. The students made a report on "how to promote Loops" will present it next week
* Will get it translated to share with the team & publish on our website
* Will communicate Nix opportunities with the team via Matrix.
* Ronny
* Had a chat on Tuesday with Eric on the data model. Ready to discuss with the devs
* No blockers
* Richard
* Other obligations
* No blockers
* No updates
* Robert
* Back from cfmgtcamp
* Got some interest in NixOps, might have a contributor
* Kiara
* Had a meeting with V yesterday.
* Conclusion: no flakes?
* No blockers
* Will write down why we are not going to use flakes (share with Bjorn to publish it online) & add it to the architecture plan.
* Nicolas
* Met with Eric on the data model
* Has access to the Ci/CD machine (unblocked for now)