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111 lines
4.3 KiB

{{ define "main" }}
{{ with .Params.event_title }}<h2>{{ . }}</h2>{{ end }}
<div>{{ .Content }}</div>
{{ if isset .Params "event_start" }}
{{ $event_start := .Params.event_start | time }}
<div class="highlight-box">
<strong>{{ .Params.event_location }}</strong>
<p>{{ .Params.event_address.street_address }}<br>{{ .Params.event_address.postal_code }}, {{ .Params.event_address.city }}<br>{{ .Params.event_address.country_name }}</p>
<h3>Datum en tijd</h3>
<li>Start: {{ time.Format "02-01-2006 15:04" .Params.event_start }}</li>
<li>Einde: {{ time.Format "02-01-2006 15:04" .Params.event_end }}</li>
{{ with .Params.event_register_link }}
{{ if le now $event_start }}
<a href="{{ . }}" class="button">Inschrijven</a>
{{ else }}
<p>Dit evenement is al afgelopen, inschrijven is daarom niet meer mogelijk.</p>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<p>Zet het event alvast in je agenda met onderstaande opties!</p>
{{ with .OutputFormats.Get "calendarevent" }}
<li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">Importeren via iCal-bestand</a></li>
{{ end }}
<li><a href="https://www.google.com/calendar/render?action=TEMPLATE&text={{ .Params.event_title | urlquery }}&details=Locatie:%20{{ .Params.event_location | urlquery }}&location={{ .Params.event_address.street_address }}%2c%20{{ .Params.event_address.postal_code }}%2c%20{{ .Params.event_address.city }}%2c%20{{ .Params.event_address.country_name }}&dates={{ time.Format "20060102T150405" .Params.event_start }}/{{ time.Format "20060102T150405" .Params.event_end }}&ctz={{ .Params.event_timezone }}">Importeren naar Google-kalender</a></li>
{{ else }}
<p>Waarschuwing: dit evenement mist gegevens zoals start en einddatum.</p>
{{ end }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "counter" 0 }}
{{ with .Params.event_schedule }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "counter" (add ($.Scratch.Get "counter") 1) }}
{{ with .name }}<h3>{{$.Scratch.Get "counter"}}. {{ . }}</h3>{{ end }}
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table class="fl-table">
{{ with .headers }}
{{ range . }}
<th{{ if .width }} class="w-{{ .width }}"{{ end }}>{{ .text }}</th>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .rows }}
{{ range . }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "counter" (add ($.Scratch.Get "counter") 1) }}
{{ with .description }}<blockquote>{{ . }}</blockquote>{{ end }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "counter2" 0 }}
{{ with .columns }}
{{ range . }}
<td{{ if .size }} colspan="{{ .size }}"{{ end }}{{ if .center}} style="text-align:center;"{{ end }}>
{{ if .time }}<small>{{ .time }}</small>{{ end }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "counter2" (add ($.Scratch.Get "counter2") 1) }}
<!-- <b>{{ $.Scratch.Get "counter" }}.{{ $.Scratch.Get "counter2" }}. {{ .name }}</b>-->
{{ with .talk }}
{{ if .speaker }}
<strong>{{ .speaker }}</strong><br>
{{ else }}
<strong>Jouw talk?</strong>
{{ end }}
{{ if and (.title) (.link) }}
{{ if .link }}
{{ if .keynote }}<strong>Keynote:</strong> {{ end }}<a href="{{ .link }}">{{ .title }}</a>
{{ else }}
<em>{{ . }}</em>
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ if .title }}{{ if .keynote }}<strong>Keynote:</strong> {{ end }}<em>{{ .title }}</em>{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .textfield }}
{{ if and (.text) (.link) }}
<em><a href="{{ .link }}">{{ .text }}</a></em>
{{ else }}
{{ with .text }}<em>{{ . }}</em><br>{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
<p>Waarschuwing: dit project is niet goed geconfigureerd in de front matter.</p>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}