{{ define "main" }} {{ $.Scratch.Set "counter" 0 }} {{ with .Params.project.title }}<h2>{{ . }}</h2>{{ end }} <div>{{ .Content }}</div> {{ with .Params.project }} {{ with .title }}<p>Project: <strong>{{ . }}</strong></p>{{ end }} {{ with .description }}<p><em>{{ . }}</em></p>{{ end }} <h2>Taken</h2> {{ with .tasks }} {{ range . }} {{ $.Scratch.Set "counter" (add ($.Scratch.Get "counter") 1) }} {{ with .name }}<h3>{{$.Scratch.Get "counter"}}. {{ . }}</h3>{{ end }} <div class="m-sm"> {{ with .description }}<blockquote>{{ . }}</blockquote>{{ end }} {{ with .goal }}<p><b>Doel</b>: {{ . }}</p>{{ end }} {{ with .comment }}<p><em>{{ . }}</em></p>{{ end }} {{ if .finished }} <p>✔️ Afgerond{{ with .link }}, zie <a href="{{ .url }}">{{ .name }}</a>{{ end }}</p> {{ else }} <p>🛠️ Nog af te ronden</p> {{ end }} {{ $.Scratch.Set "counter2" 0 }} {{ with .subtasks }} {{ range . }} {{ $.Scratch.Set "counter2" (add ($.Scratch.Get "counter2") 1) }} <h4>{{ $.Scratch.Get "counter" }}.{{ $.Scratch.Get "counter2" }}. {{ .name }}</h4> {{ with .description }}<blockquote>{{ . }}</blockquote>{{ end }} {{ with .comment }}<p><em>{{ . }}</em></p>{{ end }} {{ if .finished }} <p>✔️ Subtaak afgerond{{ with .link }}, zie <a href="{{ .url }}">{{ .name }}</a>{{ end }}</p> {{ else }} <p>🛠️ Subtaak wordt nog aan gewerkt</p> {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} </div> {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ else }} <p>Waarschuwing: dit project is niet goed geconfigureerd in de front matter.</p> {{ end }} {{ end }}