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Bijwerken talks voorjaarsconferentie

This commit is contained in:
Michael Boelen 2023-06-06 20:47:02 +02:00
parent 2cd00e1f5b
commit df09604838
9 changed files with 225 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ event_schedule:
speaker: Nicole Wajer
title: Wat hebben IPv6 en broccoli gemeenschappelijk
link: talks/nicole-wajer-wat-hebben-ipv6-en-broccoli-gemeenschappelijk/
- row:
- column:
@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ event_schedule:
speaker: Paul Reuvers en Marc Simons
title: Operation Rubicon (How CIA and BND took over CryptoAG)
link: talks/paul-reuvers-en-mark-simons-operation-rubicon/
- column:
speaker: Peter van Eijk
@ -153,6 +155,7 @@ event_schedule:
speaker: Rix Groenboom
title: "Validation of AI: Towards a Driving Exam for OpenPilot"
link: talks/rix-groenboom-validation-of-ai-towards-a-driving-exam-for-openpilot/
- column:
speaker: Björn Wijers
@ -172,10 +175,12 @@ event_schedule:
speaker: Jesse Lourens
title: SBOM, an overview
link: talks/jesse-lourens-sbom-an-overview/
- column:
speaker: Sander Raaijmakers en Leo Rozendaal
title: Connectivity Standards Alliance - Zigbee Direct and Matter
link: talks/sander-raaijmakers-en-leo-rozendaal-connectivity-standards-alliance-zigbee-direct-and-matter/
- column:
speaker: Jan-Piet Mens
@ -198,15 +203,17 @@ event_schedule:
speaker: Cristian Hesselman
title: Increasing Internet security by bridging research and operations
link: talks/cristian-hesselman-increasing-internet-security-by-bridging-research-and-operations/
- column:
speaker: Walter Belgers
title: Mijn avonturen met het Anker magneetslot
link: talks/walter-belgers-mijn-avonturen-met-het-anker-magneetslot/
- column:
speaker: Harm van Stekelenburg
title: PubHubs, a community network based on public values
link: talks/harm-van-stekelenburg-pubhubs-a-community-network-based-on-public-values/
- row:
- column:
@ -238,7 +245,7 @@ event_schedule:
time: 17:55
- column:
text: Borrel, gesponsord door ...?
text: Borrel, gesponsord door AT Computing
center: true
size: 3

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
date: 2023-05-11T20:31:43+02:00
layout: event-talk
title: "Cristian Hesselman - Increasing Internet security by bridging research and operations"
- cristian-hesselman
filename: 2023-05-11-cristian-hesselman-increasing-internet-security-by-bridging-research-and-operations.pdf
platform: youtube
## Abstract
Cristian will provide an overview of ongoing research projects at SIDN Labs, the research arm of the operator of the Netherlands' national top-level domain, .nl. Our projects aim to increase the security of the core of the Internet and cover topics such as detecting potentially malicious domain names, collaborative DDoS mitigation and DNS resilience measurements. We typically carry them out together with our research partners, such as the University of Twente, the University of Southern California, Delft University of Technology, and NLnet Labs. We concentrate on use-inspired basic research, which for instance means that we focus on practical problems and that our results are generic and open source so that they can be used by a wide range of stakeholders, including SIDN itself to further improve its .nl services.
## Biography
Cristian Hesselman directs SIDN Labs, the research arm of the operator of the Netherlands' national top-level domain, .nl. His work focuses on advancing the security of the Internet and future networks to support the higher degrees of trust that modern digital societies need. He is also a part-time professor at the University of Twente and chairs the board of directors of NLnet Labs.

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
date: 2023-05-11T20:31:43+02:00
layout: event-talk
title: "Harm van Stekelenburg - PubHubs, a community network based on public values"
- harm-van-stekelenburg
platform: youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7H4fO-escw
## Abstract
PubHubs.net is a new academic and civil society effort to design a new community (social) network based on public values. It is open source and value-driven. It is centered around groups, not around individuals. It aims to provide an online platform especially for public organisations and their audiences. The talk will presents the main ideas behind PubHubs, how we are going about its' development and demonstrates some of its first features.
## Biography
I'm a software developer working on PubHubs a new community network developed at iHub.

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
date: 2023-05-11T20:31:43+02:00
layout: event-talk
title: "Jesse Lourens - SBOM, an overview"
- jesse-lourens
filename: 2023-05-11-jesse-lourens-sbom-an-overview.pdf
## Abstract
In de afgelopen jaren is het softwareontwikkelingsproces versimpeld en versneld door het gebruik van open source code, frameworks en libraries van andere professionals. De software die geschreven is wordt, ondanks een versimpeling van het ontwikkelingsproces, alsmaar complexer. Bedrijven en ontwikkelaars raken het overzicht over hun code kwijt. Nadat een kwetsbaarheid in een library naar voren komt weten softwareontwikkelaars soms niet of de kwetsbaarheid ook invloed heeft op hun applicatie, en of de kwetsbaarheid überhaupt in hun code zit. Om hier inzicht in te bieden bestaat de Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). Een SBOM is te vergelijken met een ingrediëntenlijst, er staat precies in wat de software bevat. Hierbij komen er in sommige gevallen kwetsbaarheden naar voren. De Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX) is bedoeld om meer informatie te geven over de kwetsbaarheid en de status van de kwetsbaarheid. VEX is een mooie toevoeging aan de SBOM en de SBOM heeft VEX nodig om een zo compleet mogelijk beeld te schetsen van de software.
## Biography
Jesse Lourens is een 24 jaar oud en student aan de Hanze Hogeschool Groningen HBO-ICT Business, IT & Management. Voor zijn stage is hij in de wereld gedoken van de Software Bill of Material en in het verlengde de Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange. Voor de opdracht is met experts gesproken op het gebied van SBOM om achter het doel en de wettelijke eisen van de SBOM te komen.

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
date: 2023-05-11T20:31:43+02:00
layout: event-talk
title: "Nicole Wajer - Wat hebben IPv6 en broccoli gemeenschappelijk"
- nicole-wajer
filename: 2023-05-11-nicole-wajer-wat-hebben-ipv6-en-broccoli-gemeenschappelijk.pdf
platform: youtube
## Abstract
In deze presentatie zal worden uitgelegd hoe IPv6 en broccoli op veel manieren vergelijkbaar zijn. IPv6 is de nieuwste versie van het Internet Protocol (IP) en wordt gebruikt om verbindingen tussen computers op internet te maken. Broccoli is een gezonde groente die rijk is aan voedingsstoffen. Beide zijn onmisbaar voor een gezonde levensstijl, zowel op technologisch als op fysiek gebied. Zoals broccoli essentieel is voor een gezonde voeding, is IPv6 essentieel voor een efficiënte communicatie op internet. In de presentatie zullen we ook bespreken hoe beide kunnen bijdragen aan een duurzame toekomst.
Daarnaast biedt IPv6 ook verbeteringen op andere gebieden, zoals beveiliging, autoconfiguratie en end-to-end communicatie. Dit kan helpen om het internet sneller, veiliger en efficiënter te maken.
Nu in 2023 zijn we weer verder waar we in 2012 nog zeiden "Dual-Stack where you can tunnel where you must" is het 10 jaar later "IPv6-only where you can en Dual-Stack where you must".
Zijn jullie er klaar voor?
## Biography
Nicole is based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She has held many positions the latest as a Technical Solutions Architect in Enterprise Networks and Software Team World Wide Sales Organization but never lost her interest in IPv6. She graduated with a degree in Computer Science from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and specializes in Security, the Internet of Things (IoT), and IPv6.
Her career in Cisco started in Routing and Switching and Network Security, but since fighting spam and malware turned out to be in her "Cisco DNA" since her first day on the Internet, a move to Content Security was an obvious progression. Recently she joined the Enterprise Networking team to continue her IPv6 & Security passion.
She is a frequent Speaker for various Cisco Live conferences around the world.
As people who have met her in person will attest, Nicole is very friendly and talkative, as well as quite active on social media. She also acts as the social secretary for Koala, her stuffed marsupial travel companion and conversation starter. But also she is known for being the 'Chief Stroopwafel Officer' #stroopwafel

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
date: 2023-05-11T20:31:43+02:00
layout: event-talk
title: "Paul Reuvers en Mark Simons - Operation RUBICON"
- paul-reuvers
- mark-simons
platform: youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc_maOysQPk
## Abstract
In 1970 the German intelligence service BND and their American counterpart CIA, secretly purchased the Swiss company Crypto AG; at the time the world's largest seller of cipher machines to non-NATO countries. It was used to spy on at least 150 nations. In 2020, after two years of research, the German TV station ZDF, together with SRF, Washington Post, Argos and Crypto Museum, revealed the secret CIA/BND Operation RUBICON. In this talk we'll show how the intelligence services secretly purchased the company and kept it out of everyone's view, whilst creating backdoors in the products that were sold by Crypto AG. How it was used to spy on friend and foo, and how it turned Swiss Neutrality into an illusion.
## Biography
Paul Reuvers is a self-employed software developer who started his enterprise in 1986. In 2003 he co-founded the virtual Crypto Museum in Eindhoven (Netherlands), together with Marc Simons. Crypto Museum is a not-for-profit organisation that specialises in the restoration and preservation of historical cipher machines and espionage gadgets. In 2020, Crypto Museum, together with German television station ZDF, revealed that the Swiss company Crypto AG - the world largest manufacturer of cryptographic equipment - was owned by the German and American intelligence services. In a secret operation known as Operation Rubicon, the CIA and BND had bought the company in 1970.
Marc Simons is a self-employed hardware developer who started his enterprise in 2000. In 2003 he co-founded the virtual Crypto Museum in Eindhoven (Netherlands), together with Paul Reuvers. Crypto Museum is a not-for-profit organisation that specialises in the restoration and preservation of historical cipher machines and espionage gadgets. In 2020, Crypto Museum, together with German television station ZDF, revealed that the Swiss company Crypto AG - the world largest manufacturer of cryptographic equipment - was owned by the German and American intelligence services. In a secret operation known as Operation Rubicon, the CIA and BND had bought the company in 1970.

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
date: 2023-05-11T20:31:43+02:00
layout: event-talk
title: "Rix Groenboom - Validation of AI: Towards a Driving Exam for OpenPilot"
- rix-groenboom
filename: 2023-05-11-rix-groenboom-validation-of-ai-towards-a-driving-exam-for-openpilot.pdf
platform: youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ik9XV2NZv9s
## Abstract
We present practical results of testing the OpenPilot ADAS software (the core of the Comma3 [https://comma.ai/]). OpenPilot consists of C/C++ and Python code to handle most of the logic involved in driving a car. Also, Machine Learning models are employed for various detection tasks, such as road line detection.
To test the functional behavior (“Is OpenPilot able to handle certain traffic situations?”), we are implementing a framework that generates test scenarios from traffic laws. For the non-functional aspect, we have looked at the robustness of the implemented ML models, as part of analysis for Trustworthy AI (“Can OpenPilot be fooled by modifying the input images?”).
We will present the outcomes, discuss the results, and give pointers for further research on ADAS testing.
## Biography
Rix Groenboom leads the research group New Business & ICT within the Hanze University of Applied Science; with innovation in Artificial Intelligence, Connectivity (5G), Cyber Security, and Smart Industry. He has over 25 years of experience in SW quality in academic, commercial, and industrial environments.

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
date: 2023-05-11T20:31:43+02:00
layout: event-talk
title: "Sander Raaijmakers en Leo Rozendaal - Connectivity Standards Alliance - Zigbee Direct and Matter"
- sander-raaijmakers
- leo-rozendaal
filename: 2023-05-11-sander-raaijmakers-en-leo-rozendaal-connectivity-standards-alliance-zigbee-direct-and-matter.pdf
platform: youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYgn37HAZDs
## Abstract
The Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) is a global member driven organization that has been developing open Internet of Things (IoT) standards since 2002, known for the widely used Zigbee standard and the recently released Matter standard. In this talk, we will dive deeper in the most recent additions in the CSA: Sander will talk about Zigbee Direct, the latest feature added to the Zigbee standard, allowing Bluetooth Low-Energy devices to directly interact with a Zigbee network, and explain some of the key use cases behind Zigbee Direct. Leo will talk about Matter, the new unified, open-source application-layer connectivity standard that works over IP, which was released in November 2022: what happened since then, and what is still on the roadmap and: how can you experiment/work with it yourself?
## Biography
Sander Raaijmakers is chair of the Zigbee Direct Balloting Group in the Connectivity Standards Alliance from his function as lead development engineer at Signify Research. Next to that, he is a member of the Zigbee Steering Committee within the CSA.
Leo Rozendaal works at Signify Research as system architect (connectivity), is member of the Matter Steering Committee, is an active contributor and reviewer of various features of the Matter standard and has helped the Philips Hue and WiZ businesses to add Matter support to their existing products.

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
date: 2023-05-11T20:31:43+02:00
layout: event-talk
title: "Walter Belgers - Mijn avonturen met het Anker magneetslot"
- walter-belgers
platform: youtube
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky6pdWFVQTI
## Abstract
Toen ik een paar Anker 3800 magneetsloten kreeg, kon ik ze niet lockpicken en verdwenen ze in een lade. Totdat ik een "projectje" zocht. In plaats van te lockpicken, probeerde ik sleutels na te maken. Daar had ik een dremel nodig maar maakte ik ook electronica en deed aan metaal gieten. Toen dat niet helemaal bleek te werken, kocht ik een 3d-printer en verving de electronica door een arduino. Ik leerde meer over deze sloten en kon uiteindelijk het masterkey-systeem kraken. Ik wil graag vertellen over mijn ervaringen inclusief alle "grrr!"-momenten waarin weer iets niet ging zoals ik wilde.
## Biography
Walter Belgers is an honorary member of TOOOL, the Open Organisation of Lockpickers, and NLUUG, the Dutch UNIX Users Group. He has worked in IT security for all his life variously as a penetration tester, general hacker, and now security officer at Philips, and holds an M.Sc. in computing science. He also co-invented a microcomputer without a microprocessor, and in his spare time enjoys drifting and rally driving, sailing, reading, traveling, and photography.