import { BOM, DOCUMENT, FLOW_END, SCALAR } from './cst.js';

START -> stream

  directive -> line-end -> stream
  indent + line-end -> stream
  [else] -> line-start

  comment -> line-end
  newline -> .
  input-end -> END

  doc-start -> doc
  doc-end -> stream
  [else] -> indent -> block-start

  seq-item-start -> block-start
  explicit-key-start -> block-start
  map-value-start -> block-start
  [else] -> doc

  line-end -> line-start
  spaces -> doc
  anchor -> doc
  tag -> doc
  flow-start -> flow -> doc
  flow-end -> error -> doc
  seq-item-start -> error -> doc
  explicit-key-start -> error -> doc
  map-value-start -> doc
  alias -> doc
  quote-start -> quoted-scalar -> doc
  block-scalar-header -> line-end -> block-scalar(min) -> line-start
  [else] -> plain-scalar(false, min) -> doc

  line-end -> flow
  spaces -> flow
  anchor -> flow
  tag -> flow
  flow-start -> flow -> flow
  flow-end -> .
  seq-item-start -> error -> flow
  explicit-key-start -> flow
  map-value-start -> flow
  alias -> flow
  quote-start -> quoted-scalar -> flow
  comma -> flow
  [else] -> plain-scalar(true, 0) -> flow

  quote-end -> .
  [else] -> quoted-scalar

  newline + peek(indent < min) -> .
  [else] -> block-scalar(min)

plain-scalar(is-flow, min)
  scalar-end(is-flow) -> .
  peek(newline + (indent < min)) -> .
  [else] -> plain-scalar(min)
function isEmpty(ch) {
    switch (ch) {
        case undefined:
        case ' ':
        case '\n':
        case '\r':
        case '\t':
            return true;
            return false;
const hexDigits = '0123456789ABCDEFabcdef'.split('');
const tagChars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-#;/?:@&=+$_.!~*'()".split('');
const invalidFlowScalarChars = ',[]{}'.split('');
const invalidAnchorChars = ' ,[]{}\n\r\t'.split('');
const isNotAnchorChar = (ch) => !ch || invalidAnchorChars.includes(ch);
 * Splits an input string into lexical tokens, i.e. smaller strings that are
 * easily identifiable by `tokens.tokenType()`.
 * Lexing starts always in a "stream" context. Incomplete input may be buffered
 * until a complete token can be emitted.
 * In addition to slices of the original input, the following control characters
 * may also be emitted:
 * - `\x02` (Start of Text): A document starts with the next token
 * - `\x18` (Cancel): Unexpected end of flow-mode (indicates an error)
 * - `\x1f` (Unit Separator): Next token is a scalar value
 * - `\u{FEFF}` (Byte order mark): Emitted separately outside documents
class Lexer {
    constructor() {
         * Flag indicating whether the end of the current buffer marks the end of
         * all input
        this.atEnd = false;
         * Explicit indent set in block scalar header, as an offset from the current
         * minimum indent, so e.g. set to 1 from a header `|2+`. Set to -1 if not
         * explicitly set.
        this.blockScalarIndent = -1;
         * Block scalars that include a + (keep) chomping indicator in their header
         * include trailing empty lines, which are otherwise excluded from the
         * scalar's contents.
        this.blockScalarKeep = false;
        /** Current input */
        this.buffer = '';
         * Flag noting whether the map value indicator : can immediately follow this
         * node within a flow context.
        this.flowKey = false;
        /** Count of surrounding flow collection levels. */
        this.flowLevel = 0;
         * Minimum level of indentation required for next lines to be parsed as a
         * part of the current scalar value.
        this.indentNext = 0;
        /** Indentation level of the current line. */
        this.indentValue = 0;
        /** Position of the next \n character. */
        this.lineEndPos = null;
        /** Stores the state of the lexer if reaching the end of incpomplete input */ = null;
        /** A pointer to `buffer`; the current position of the lexer. */
        this.pos = 0;
     * Generate YAML tokens from the `source` string. If `incomplete`,
     * a part of the last line may be left as a buffer for the next call.
     * @returns A generator of lexical tokens
    *lex(source, incomplete = false) {
        if (source) {
            this.buffer = this.buffer ? this.buffer + source : source;
            this.lineEndPos = null;
        this.atEnd = !incomplete;
        let next = ?? 'stream';
        while (next && (incomplete || this.hasChars(1)))
            next = yield* this.parseNext(next);
    atLineEnd() {
        let i = this.pos;
        let ch = this.buffer[i];
        while (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t')
            ch = this.buffer[++i];
        if (!ch || ch === '#' || ch === '\n')
            return true;
        if (ch === '\r')
            return this.buffer[i + 1] === '\n';
        return false;
    charAt(n) {
        return this.buffer[this.pos + n];
    continueScalar(offset) {
        let ch = this.buffer[offset];
        if (this.indentNext > 0) {
            let indent = 0;
            while (ch === ' ')
                ch = this.buffer[++indent + offset];
            if (ch === '\r') {
                const next = this.buffer[indent + offset + 1];
                if (next === '\n' || (!next && !this.atEnd))
                    return offset + indent + 1;
            return ch === '\n' || indent >= this.indentNext || (!ch && !this.atEnd)
                ? offset + indent
                : -1;
        if (ch === '-' || ch === '.') {
            const dt = this.buffer.substr(offset, 3);
            if ((dt === '---' || dt === '...') && isEmpty(this.buffer[offset + 3]))
                return -1;
        return offset;
    getLine() {
        let end = this.lineEndPos;
        if (typeof end !== 'number' || (end !== -1 && end < this.pos)) {
            end = this.buffer.indexOf('\n', this.pos);
            this.lineEndPos = end;
        if (end === -1)
            return this.atEnd ? this.buffer.substring(this.pos) : null;
        if (this.buffer[end - 1] === '\r')
            end -= 1;
        return this.buffer.substring(this.pos, end);
    hasChars(n) {
        return this.pos + n <= this.buffer.length;
    setNext(state) {
        this.buffer = this.buffer.substring(this.pos);
        this.pos = 0;
        this.lineEndPos = null; = state;
        return null;
    peek(n) {
        return this.buffer.substr(this.pos, n);
    *parseNext(next) {
        switch (next) {
            case 'stream':
                return yield* this.parseStream();
            case 'line-start':
                return yield* this.parseLineStart();
            case 'block-start':
                return yield* this.parseBlockStart();
            case 'doc':
                return yield* this.parseDocument();
            case 'flow':
                return yield* this.parseFlowCollection();
            case 'quoted-scalar':
                return yield* this.parseQuotedScalar();
            case 'block-scalar':
                return yield* this.parseBlockScalar();
            case 'plain-scalar':
                return yield* this.parsePlainScalar();
    *parseStream() {
        let line = this.getLine();
        if (line === null)
            return this.setNext('stream');
        if (line[0] === BOM) {
            yield* this.pushCount(1);
            line = line.substring(1);
        if (line[0] === '%') {
            let dirEnd = line.length;
            const cs = line.indexOf('#');
            if (cs !== -1) {
                const ch = line[cs - 1];
                if (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t')
                    dirEnd = cs - 1;
            while (true) {
                const ch = line[dirEnd - 1];
                if (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t')
                    dirEnd -= 1;
            const n = (yield* this.pushCount(dirEnd)) + (yield* this.pushSpaces(true));
            yield* this.pushCount(line.length - n); // possible comment
            return 'stream';
        if (this.atLineEnd()) {
            const sp = yield* this.pushSpaces(true);
            yield* this.pushCount(line.length - sp);
            yield* this.pushNewline();
            return 'stream';
        yield DOCUMENT;
        return yield* this.parseLineStart();
    *parseLineStart() {
        const ch = this.charAt(0);
        if (!ch && !this.atEnd)
            return this.setNext('line-start');
        if (ch === '-' || ch === '.') {
            if (!this.atEnd && !this.hasChars(4))
                return this.setNext('line-start');
            const s = this.peek(3);
            if (s === '---' && isEmpty(this.charAt(3))) {
                yield* this.pushCount(3);
                this.indentValue = 0;
                this.indentNext = 0;
                return 'doc';
            else if (s === '...' && isEmpty(this.charAt(3))) {
                yield* this.pushCount(3);
                return 'stream';
        this.indentValue = yield* this.pushSpaces(false);
        if (this.indentNext > this.indentValue && !isEmpty(this.charAt(1)))
            this.indentNext = this.indentValue;
        return yield* this.parseBlockStart();
    *parseBlockStart() {
        const [ch0, ch1] = this.peek(2);
        if (!ch1 && !this.atEnd)
            return this.setNext('block-start');
        if ((ch0 === '-' || ch0 === '?' || ch0 === ':') && isEmpty(ch1)) {
            const n = (yield* this.pushCount(1)) + (yield* this.pushSpaces(true));
            this.indentNext = this.indentValue + 1;
            this.indentValue += n;
            return yield* this.parseBlockStart();
        return 'doc';
    *parseDocument() {
        yield* this.pushSpaces(true);
        const line = this.getLine();
        if (line === null)
            return this.setNext('doc');
        let n = yield* this.pushIndicators();
        switch (line[n]) {
            case '#':
                yield* this.pushCount(line.length - n);
            // fallthrough
            case undefined:
                yield* this.pushNewline();
                return yield* this.parseLineStart();
            case '{':
            case '[':
                yield* this.pushCount(1);
                this.flowKey = false;
                this.flowLevel = 1;
                return 'flow';
            case '}':
            case ']':
                // this is an error
                yield* this.pushCount(1);
                return 'doc';
            case '*':
                yield* this.pushUntil(isNotAnchorChar);
                return 'doc';
            case '"':
            case "'":
                return yield* this.parseQuotedScalar();
            case '|':
            case '>':
                n += yield* this.parseBlockScalarHeader();
                n += yield* this.pushSpaces(true);
                yield* this.pushCount(line.length - n);
                yield* this.pushNewline();
                return yield* this.parseBlockScalar();
                return yield* this.parsePlainScalar();
    *parseFlowCollection() {
        let nl, sp;
        let indent = -1;
        do {
            nl = yield* this.pushNewline();
            if (nl > 0) {
                sp = yield* this.pushSpaces(false);
                this.indentValue = indent = sp;
            else {
                sp = 0;
            sp += yield* this.pushSpaces(true);
        } while (nl + sp > 0);
        const line = this.getLine();
        if (line === null)
            return this.setNext('flow');
        if ((indent !== -1 && indent < this.indentNext && line[0] !== '#') ||
            (indent === 0 &&
                (line.startsWith('---') || line.startsWith('...')) &&
                isEmpty(line[3]))) {
            // Allowing for the terminal ] or } at the same (rather than greater)
            // indent level as the initial [ or { is technically invalid, but
            // failing here would be surprising to users.
            const atFlowEndMarker = indent === this.indentNext - 1 &&
                this.flowLevel === 1 &&
                (line[0] === ']' || line[0] === '}');
            if (!atFlowEndMarker) {
                // this is an error
                this.flowLevel = 0;
                yield FLOW_END;
                return yield* this.parseLineStart();
        let n = 0;
        while (line[n] === ',') {
            n += yield* this.pushCount(1);
            n += yield* this.pushSpaces(true);
            this.flowKey = false;
        n += yield* this.pushIndicators();
        switch (line[n]) {
            case undefined:
                return 'flow';
            case '#':
                yield* this.pushCount(line.length - n);
                return 'flow';
            case '{':
            case '[':
                yield* this.pushCount(1);
                this.flowKey = false;
                this.flowLevel += 1;
                return 'flow';
            case '}':
            case ']':
                yield* this.pushCount(1);
                this.flowKey = true;
                this.flowLevel -= 1;
                return this.flowLevel ? 'flow' : 'doc';
            case '*':
                yield* this.pushUntil(isNotAnchorChar);
                return 'flow';
            case '"':
            case "'":
                this.flowKey = true;
                return yield* this.parseQuotedScalar();
            case ':': {
                const next = this.charAt(1);
                if (this.flowKey || isEmpty(next) || next === ',') {
                    this.flowKey = false;
                    yield* this.pushCount(1);
                    yield* this.pushSpaces(true);
                    return 'flow';
            // fallthrough
                this.flowKey = false;
                return yield* this.parsePlainScalar();
    *parseQuotedScalar() {
        const quote = this.charAt(0);
        let end = this.buffer.indexOf(quote, this.pos + 1);
        if (quote === "'") {
            while (end !== -1 && this.buffer[end + 1] === "'")
                end = this.buffer.indexOf("'", end + 2);
        else {
            // double-quote
            while (end !== -1) {
                let n = 0;
                while (this.buffer[end - 1 - n] === '\\')
                    n += 1;
                if (n % 2 === 0)
                end = this.buffer.indexOf('"', end + 1);
        // Only looking for newlines within the quotes
        const qb = this.buffer.substring(0, end);
        let nl = qb.indexOf('\n', this.pos);
        if (nl !== -1) {
            while (nl !== -1) {
                const cs = this.continueScalar(nl + 1);
                if (cs === -1)
                nl = qb.indexOf('\n', cs);
            if (nl !== -1) {
                // this is an error caused by an unexpected unindent
                end = nl - (qb[nl - 1] === '\r' ? 2 : 1);
        if (end === -1) {
            if (!this.atEnd)
                return this.setNext('quoted-scalar');
            end = this.buffer.length;
        yield* this.pushToIndex(end + 1, false);
        return this.flowLevel ? 'flow' : 'doc';
    *parseBlockScalarHeader() {
        this.blockScalarIndent = -1;
        this.blockScalarKeep = false;
        let i = this.pos;
        while (true) {
            const ch = this.buffer[++i];
            if (ch === '+')
                this.blockScalarKeep = true;
            else if (ch > '0' && ch <= '9')
                this.blockScalarIndent = Number(ch) - 1;
            else if (ch !== '-')
        return yield* this.pushUntil(ch => isEmpty(ch) || ch === '#');
    *parseBlockScalar() {
        let nl = this.pos - 1; // may be -1 if this.pos === 0
        let indent = 0;
        let ch;
        loop: for (let i = this.pos; (ch = this.buffer[i]); ++i) {
            switch (ch) {
                case ' ':
                    indent += 1;
                case '\n':
                    nl = i;
                    indent = 0;
                case '\r': {
                    const next = this.buffer[i + 1];
                    if (!next && !this.atEnd)
                        return this.setNext('block-scalar');
                    if (next === '\n')
                } // fallthrough
                    break loop;
        if (!ch && !this.atEnd)
            return this.setNext('block-scalar');
        if (indent >= this.indentNext) {
            if (this.blockScalarIndent === -1)
                this.indentNext = indent;
                this.indentNext += this.blockScalarIndent;
            do {
                const cs = this.continueScalar(nl + 1);
                if (cs === -1)
                nl = this.buffer.indexOf('\n', cs);
            } while (nl !== -1);
            if (nl === -1) {
                if (!this.atEnd)
                    return this.setNext('block-scalar');
                nl = this.buffer.length;
        if (!this.blockScalarKeep) {
            do {
                let i = nl - 1;
                let ch = this.buffer[i];
                if (ch === '\r')
                    ch = this.buffer[--i];
                const lastChar = i; // Drop the line if last char not more indented
                while (ch === ' ' || ch === '\t')
                    ch = this.buffer[--i];
                if (ch === '\n' && i >= this.pos && i + 1 + indent > lastChar)
                    nl = i;
            } while (true);
        yield SCALAR;
        yield* this.pushToIndex(nl + 1, true);
        return yield* this.parseLineStart();
    *parsePlainScalar() {
        const inFlow = this.flowLevel > 0;
        let end = this.pos - 1;
        let i = this.pos - 1;
        let ch;
        while ((ch = this.buffer[++i])) {
            if (ch === ':') {
                const next = this.buffer[i + 1];
                if (isEmpty(next) || (inFlow && next === ','))
                end = i;
            else if (isEmpty(ch)) {
                let next = this.buffer[i + 1];
                if (ch === '\r') {
                    if (next === '\n') {
                        i += 1;
                        ch = '\n';
                        next = this.buffer[i + 1];
                        end = i;
                if (next === '#' || (inFlow && invalidFlowScalarChars.includes(next)))
                if (ch === '\n') {
                    const cs = this.continueScalar(i + 1);
                    if (cs === -1)
                    i = Math.max(i, cs - 2); // to advance, but still account for ' #'
            else {
                if (inFlow && invalidFlowScalarChars.includes(ch))
                end = i;
        if (!ch && !this.atEnd)
            return this.setNext('plain-scalar');
        yield SCALAR;
        yield* this.pushToIndex(end + 1, true);
        return inFlow ? 'flow' : 'doc';
    *pushCount(n) {
        if (n > 0) {
            yield this.buffer.substr(this.pos, n);
            this.pos += n;
            return n;
        return 0;
    *pushToIndex(i, allowEmpty) {
        const s = this.buffer.slice(this.pos, i);
        if (s) {
            yield s;
            this.pos += s.length;
            return s.length;
        else if (allowEmpty)
            yield '';
        return 0;
    *pushIndicators() {
        switch (this.charAt(0)) {
            case '!':
                return ((yield* this.pushTag()) +
                    (yield* this.pushSpaces(true)) +
                    (yield* this.pushIndicators()));
            case '&':
                return ((yield* this.pushUntil(isNotAnchorChar)) +
                    (yield* this.pushSpaces(true)) +
                    (yield* this.pushIndicators()));
            case '-': // this is an error
            case '?': // this is an error outside flow collections
            case ':': {
                const inFlow = this.flowLevel > 0;
                const ch1 = this.charAt(1);
                if (isEmpty(ch1) || (inFlow && invalidFlowScalarChars.includes(ch1))) {
                    if (!inFlow)
                        this.indentNext = this.indentValue + 1;
                    else if (this.flowKey)
                        this.flowKey = false;
                    return ((yield* this.pushCount(1)) +
                        (yield* this.pushSpaces(true)) +
                        (yield* this.pushIndicators()));
        return 0;
    *pushTag() {
        if (this.charAt(1) === '<') {
            let i = this.pos + 2;
            let ch = this.buffer[i];
            while (!isEmpty(ch) && ch !== '>')
                ch = this.buffer[++i];
            return yield* this.pushToIndex(ch === '>' ? i + 1 : i, false);
        else {
            let i = this.pos + 1;
            let ch = this.buffer[i];
            while (ch) {
                if (tagChars.includes(ch))
                    ch = this.buffer[++i];
                else if (ch === '%' &&
                    hexDigits.includes(this.buffer[i + 1]) &&
                    hexDigits.includes(this.buffer[i + 2])) {
                    ch = this.buffer[(i += 3)];
            return yield* this.pushToIndex(i, false);
    *pushNewline() {
        const ch = this.buffer[this.pos];
        if (ch === '\n')
            return yield* this.pushCount(1);
        else if (ch === '\r' && this.charAt(1) === '\n')
            return yield* this.pushCount(2);
            return 0;
    *pushSpaces(allowTabs) {
        let i = this.pos - 1;
        let ch;
        do {
            ch = this.buffer[++i];
        } while (ch === ' ' || (allowTabs && ch === '\t'));
        const n = i - this.pos;
        if (n > 0) {
            yield this.buffer.substr(this.pos, n);
            this.pos = i;
        return n;
    *pushUntil(test) {
        let i = this.pos;
        let ch = this.buffer[i];
        while (!test(ch))
            ch = this.buffer[++i];
        return yield* this.pushToIndex(i, false);

export { Lexer };