# PostCSS Purgecss      [PostCSS] plugin for PurgeCSS. [PostCSS]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss ## Installation ``` npm i -D @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss postcss ``` ## Usage ```js const purgecss = require('@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss') postcss([ purgecss({ content: ['./src/**/*.html'] }) ]) ``` See [PostCSS] docs for examples for your environment. ## Options All of the options of purgecss are available to use with the plugins. You will find below the main options available. For the complete list, go to the [purgecss documentation website](https://www.purgecss.com/configuration.html#options). ### `content` (**required** or use `contentFunction` instead) Type: `Array<string>` You can specify content that should be analyzed by Purgecss with an array of filenames or globs. The files can be HTML, Pug, Blade, etc. ### `contentFunction` (as alternative to `content`) Type: `(sourceInputFile: string) => Array<string>` The function receives the current source input file. With this you may provide a specific array of globs for each input. E.g. for an angular application only scan the components template counterpart for every component scss file: ```js purgecss({ contentFunction: (sourceInputFileName: string) => { if (/component\.scss$/.test(sourceInputFileName)) return [sourceInputFileName.replace(/scss$/, 'html')] else return ['./src/**/*.html'] }, }) ``` ### `extractors` Type: `Array<Object>` Purgecss can be adapted to suit your needs. If you notice a lot of unused CSS is not being removed, you might want to use a custom extractor. More information about extractors [here](https://www.purgecss.com/extractors.html). ### `safelist` You can indicate which selectors are safe to leave in the final CSS. This can be accomplished with the option `safelist`. Two forms are available for this option. ```ts safelist: ['random', 'yep', 'button', /^nav-/] ``` In this form, safelist is an array that can take a string or a regex. The _complex_ form is: ```ts safelist: { standard: ['random', 'yep', 'button', /^nav-/], deep: [], greedy: [], keyframes: [], variables: [] } ``` ### `blocklist` Blocklist will block the CSS selectors from appearing in the final output CSS. The selectors will be removed even when they are seen as used by PurgeCSS. ```ts blocklist: ['usedClass', /^nav-/] ``` Even if nav-links and usedClass are found by an extractor, they will be removed. ### `skippedContentGlobs` If you provide globs for the `content` parameter, you can use this option to exclude certain files or folders that would otherwise be scanned. Pass an array of globs matching items that should be excluded. (Note: this option has no effect if `content` is not globs.) ```ts skippedContentGlobs: ['node_modules/**', 'components/**'] ``` Here, PurgeCSS will not scan anything in the "node_modules" and "components" folders. ### `rejected` Type: `boolean` Default value: `false` If true, purged selectors will be captured and rendered as PostCSS messages. Use with a PostCSS reporter plugin like [`postcss-reporter`](https://github.com/postcss/postcss-reporter) to print the purged selectors to the console as they are processed. ### `keyframes` Type: `boolean` Default value: `false` If you are using a CSS animation library such as animate.css, you can remove unused keyframes by setting the keyframes option to true. #### `fontFace` Type: `boolean` Default value: `false` If there are any unused @font-face rules in your css, you can remove them by setting the fontFace option to true. ## Contributing Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](./../../CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us. ## Versioning postcss-purgecss use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](./../../LICENSE) file for details.