Remove the pre-defined environment.systemPackages in infra/common/default.nix #25

opened 2024-11-21 12:11:33 +01:00 by Niols · 3 comments

As of today, infra/common/default.nix includes the following lines:

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
(pkgs.vim_configurable.customize {
name = "vim";
vimrcConfig.packages.myplugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
start = [ vim-nix ]; # load plugin on startup
vimrcConfig.customRC = ''
" your custom vimrc
set nocompatible
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" Turn on syntax highlighting by default
syntax on
" ...

I'm not happy with them and neither is @fricklerhandwerk. I would be up for removing them altogether. The machines are Nix-capable, so if this is for very rare use, one can just nix run nixpkgs#vim or something like that, anyway.

As of today, `infra/common/default.nix` includes the following lines: I'm not happy with them and [neither is @fricklerhandwerk]( I would be up for removing them altogether. The machines are Nix-capable, so if this is for very rare use, one can just `nix run nixpkgs#vim` or something like that, anyway.
Niols added the
label 2024-11-21 12:11:33 +01:00

@kiara > WDYT about this? Important for Procolix devs, or can we remove safely?

@kiara > WDYT about this? Important for Procolix devs, or can we remove safely?

@Niols: feel free to remove.

such config was used on git-less nixos machines by @kevin, but that was only under the presumption config changes would need to be done over ssh, rather than from repos checked out locally to then deploy.
in other words this seemed copied from the historical situation, rather than thought out with our present setup in mind.

@Niols: feel free to remove. such config was used on git-less nixos machines by @kevin, but that was only under the presumption config changes would need to be done over ssh, rather than from repos checked out locally to then deploy. in other words this seemed copied from the historical situation, rather than thought out with our present setup in mind.

Awesome; thank you very much for the details :-)

Awesome; thank you very much for the details :-)
kiara closed this issue 2025-02-24 14:54:33 +01:00
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